SNCF kiest Klas Telecom TRX R6 voor het Franse nationale spoorwegnet
DUBLIN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Klas Telecom heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat ze samen met hun Franse partner Seolane Innovation een overeenkomst zijn aangegaan met de Franse spoorwegexploitant, SNCF, om het TRX R6 Connected Transportation Platform te leveren voor implementatie aan boord van SNCF-treinen. Deze overeenkomst is het resultaat van een zeer competitieve openbare aanbesteding waarbij SNCF een connectiviteitsoplossing aan boord wilde aanschaffen om verbeterde operationele en passagiersgerichte diensten aan te kunnen bieden.
Julien Baratier, de projectmanager voor SNCF, merkte op: “Via dit aanbestedingsproces probeerden we onze technische oplossing aan boord te ontwikkelen om te voldoen aan onze klantvereisten op het gebied van treinconnectiviteit en services aan boord. Hoewel nieuwe partners voor ons, Klas Telecom en Seolane hebben hun technische inzet gedemonstreerd door een modulaire, flexibele en performante oplossing aan te bieden. We zijn erg verheugd om nu samen te werken aan een eerste uitrol op regionale treinen om een CCTV-service te ondersteunen.”
SNCF Selects Klas Telecom TRX R6 for French National Rail Network
DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Klas Telecom today announced that, together with their French partner Seolane Innovation, they have entered into an agreement with France’s national rail operator, SNCF to supply the TRX R6 Connected Transportation Platform for implementation on board SNCF’s trains. This agreement comes as the result of a highly competitive public tender in which SNCF sought to acquire an onboard connectivity solution to provide improved operational and passenger-centric services.
Julien Baratier, the Project Manager for SNCF commented, “Through this tender process, we sought to develop our onboard technical solution to fulfil our customer requirements in terms of train connectivity and onboard services. Although new partners for us, Klas Telecom and Seolane have demonstrated their technical commitment by offering a modular, flexible and performing solution. We are very excited to now be working together on a first rollout on regional trains to support a CCTV service.”
Wilfrid Rouger, CEO of Seolane Innovation, said, “We partnered with Klas Telecom after a very detailed benchmark and in-depth technical analysis of the TRX R6 as its core platform for LTE train-ground communication. Together with Klas Telecom, Seolane Innovation has been able to offer the best in class solution, matching perfectly SNCF’s needs.”
Brendan Fleming, Director of Business Development at Klas Telecom, commented, “From the initial view of the public tender, it became obvious that SNCF were looking for an advanced, technically competent solution that featured modularity and flexibility as cellular communications progress into 5G connectivity – all at a competitive price point. Together with Seolane Innovation, Klas Telecom is delighted to have been recognized as the supplier of choice by SNCF.”
Frank Murray, CTO at Klas Telecom, added, “The focus of TRX R6 from the outset was to provide a flexible, open architecture for Train Operating Companies. This allows new technologies and new applications to be added to their onboard systems throughout the program lifecycle. Leveraging class-leading compute power allied to the Keel operating system, TRX R6 supports a range of applications including PIS, CCTV and Passenger Wi-Fi on a single easy-to-use and easy-to-manage platform.”
To learn more about the TRX R6 and other products visit
About Klas Telecom
Klas Telecom is an engineering and design company with over 25 years of experience developing innovative communications solutions for the network edge. Klas Telecom delivers connectivity to remote and austere environments where low size, weight, power and ruggedization are required. The company specializes in integrating enterprise networking capabilities from global IT leaders with in-house hardware and software platforms designed to meet market demands and the most stringent environmental requirements. Klas Telecom leverages the latest technology to stay on the forefront of the deployable communications industry. Klas Telecom operates in the public safety, transportation and U.S. and international government and defence markets. The company employs staff across four offices located in Washington, DC; Herndon, VA; Tampa, FL; and Dublin, Ireland.
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Emma Reilly