AB InBev PureDraught ™ vaatjessysteem wint World Beverage Innovation Award
LEUVEN, België– (BUSINESS WIRE) – AB InBev en zijn Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITEC) hebben aangekondigd dat PureDraught ™, een revolutionair eenrichtingssysteem voor polymeervaten, een World Beverage Innovation Award heeft gewonnen voor ‘Best Manufacturing / Processing Innovation’. De onderscheiding werd uitgereikt op de BrauBeviale 2019 handelsbeurs in Neurenberg, Duitsland.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005495/en/
PureDraught ™ houdt bier tot vier keer langer vers dan een traditioneel stalen vat en vermindert de CO2-voetafdruk van het verschepen van bier – en biedt tegelijkertijd meer veelzijdigheid en variatie voor bar- en restauranthouders.
Met behulp van een speciaal gevormd, dubbelwandig, fles-in-fles polymeervat, laat PureDraught toe dat lucht of gas in de buitenste fles wordt gevoerd, die zijn vorm behoudt en het bier uit de binnenfles duwt. Deze innovatie voorkomt dat lucht of gas het bier raakt, waardoor het bier 30 dagen vers blijft nadat het is getapt in plaats van slechts een week.
AB InBev PureDraught™ Keg System Wins World Beverage Innovation Award
LEUVEN, Belgium–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AB InBev and its Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITEC) announced that PureDraught™, a revolutionary one-way polymer keg system, won a World Beverage Innovation Award for “Best Manufacturing/Processing Innovation.” The honor was awarded at the BrauBeviale 2019 trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005495/en/

PureDraught™ keeps beer fresher up to four times longer than a traditional steel keg and reduces the carbon footprint of shipping beer — all while offering more versatility and variety for bar and restaurant owners. (Photo: Business Wire)
PureDraught™ keeps beer fresher up to four times longer than a traditional steel keg and reduces the carbon footprint of shipping beer — all while offering more versatility and variety for bar and restaurant owners.
Using a custom-molded, double-walled, bottle-in-bottle polymer keg, PureDraught allows air or gas to be fed into the outer bottle, which keeps its shape and pushes the beer out of the inner bottle. This innovation prevents any air or dispense gas from touching the beer, allowing the beer to remain fresh for 30 days after being tapped instead of just a week.
In addition, PureDraught comes in 6L, 12L and 18L sizes rather than the standard 30L or larger steel keg size, allowing for more flexibility and less wasted product by bar and restaurant owners. The kegs can be stored and dispensed from upright or on their side on a shelf, making them more versatile.
“We are honored that our research and technological innovation for PureDraught has been recognized by the prestigious World Beverage Innovation Awards,” said Rodrigo Sozo, Vice President of AB InBev GITEC. “This is a validation of the hard work and passion of our team as they set out to develop a transformational innovation for draught beer, including superior quality, less carbon footprint and more variety of beers on tap. We are also excited about how the technology platform creates new consumer experiences for all types of occasions of draught beer consumption.”
There are no additional costs for a bar to use the PureDraught system or the beer in the one-way kegs, and in most markets, the system’s custom keg coupler is provided and connected to a bar’s existing beer and gas lines by AB InBev free of charge.
Currently, PureDraught is in use with AB InBev brands in more than eight countries, including the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, China, Italy, Japan and South Korea as well as additional areas of Europe and Africa, providing the best pour of brands like Stella Artois. For more information, including how to convert your establishment to PureDraught, visit https://puredraught.com/.
About AB InBev GITEC
The Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITEC) at AB InBev is the hub of innovation for the company, working across teams and the company’s more than 500 brands to develop new products, processes and technologies. Driven by a team of more than 120 passionate R&D talents from more than 20 countries, GITEC works to revolutionize packaging, make the brewing process more efficient and sustainable, create breakthroughs in how our beers are delivered and dispensed, and to offer new tasting and consumer experiences.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005495/en/
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Greenhouse Partners
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