nTop Platform 2.0 biedt de kracht van computermodellering voor een breder publiek
Een stapsgewijze verandering in de evolutie van ontwerpsoftware.
NEW YORK– (BUSINESS WIRE) – nTopology kondigt de nieuwste versie van hun computationele-modelleringssoftware aan, nTop Platform 2.0, de enige technische software waarmee ingenieurs tegelijkertijd geometrie, prestaties en maakbaarheid kunnen overwegen binnen een enkele, herbruikbare workflow. Deze belangrijke release bevat ondersteuning voor voorverpakte, applicatie specifieke nTop Toolkits, waarmee ingenieurs snel de krachtigste mogelijkheden direct kunnen leren kennen en gebruiken.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005073/en/
nTop Platform is ontwikkeld om technische problemen op te lossen waarbij geometrie een knelpunt is. Het kan complexiteit en iteratie snel en gemakkelijk aan. De voorverpakte Toolkits en ontwerpmogelijkheden kunnen beide worden gebruikt om engineeringworkflows te automatiseren, efficiëntie te leveren en het beste talent van een organisatie in de hele onderneming te schalen. Met nTop Platform kunnen teams taken automatiseren die uren, dagen of weken duren met traditionele ontwerptools vanwege de mogelijkheid om herbruikbare workflows te bouwen.
nTop Platform 2.0 Delivers the Power of Computational Modeling to a Wider Audience
A step change in the evolution of design software.
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– nTopology announces the latest version of their computational-modeling software, nTop Platform 2.0, the only engineering software that enables engineers to simultaneously consider geometry, performance and manufacturability all within a single, reusable workflow. This major release includes support for prepackaged, application-specific nTop Toolkits, letting engineers quickly learn and use its most powerful capabilities right out of the box.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005073/en/

An array of metal 3D-printed passive heat sink examples for an electronics application that were designed with nTop Platform 2.0. The software created a Design of Experiments (DOE) that generatively designed a series of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS) with optimal surface-area-to weight ratios. nTop Platform simplifies the generation and analysis of complex structures like these for a wide range of high performance thermal and structural applications and delivers the sliced data that guides the laser in the layer-by-layer 3D-printing process. (Photo: Business Wire)
nTop Platform was developed to solve engineering problems where geometry is a bottleneck. It can handle complexity and iteration with speed and ease. The prepackaged Toolkits and authoring capabilities can both be used to automate engineering workflows, delivering efficiencies and scaling an organization’s best talent across the enterprise. With nTop Platform, teams can automate tasks that take hours, days or weeks with traditional design tools because of the ability to build reusable workflows.
“We are excited to release 2.0 of nTop Platform,” says Bradley Rothenberg, CEO of nTopology, “nTop Toolkits enable the best engineering workflows to spread wide throughout industries, making the most advanced modeling technology accessible to any design engineer.”
nTopology is also partnering with industry leaders in additive manufacturing hardware to deliver new capabilities to their users. “The flexibility and high performance of nTopology software and its ability to package-up customer workflows helps us and our customers to create advanced Digital Foam,” says Fabian Krauss, Global Business Development Manager at EOS. “We use it in projects to create 3D-printed products with architected materials properties tailored exactly to customer needs. It unlocks the true potential of generative design in additive manufacturing for Digital Foam and for many other applications.”
In addition to the new prepackaged Toolkits (see a summary of capabilities and benefits below), nTop Platform’s authoring capabilities allow a company’s most advanced engineers to create their own proprietary toolkits, enabling secure knowledge transfer across the organization.
Lightweighting Toolkit
- Quickly and easily reduce the weight and maximize the performance of parts.
- Shell parts in seconds no matter how complex the geometry.
- Apply variable wall thickness to shelled parts.
Architected Materials Toolkit
- Engineer functional materials that perform at any scale—hundreds of unit cells, or hundreds of billions.
- Design with multifunctional requirements from the start. Structural, thermal, acoustics, or aesthetics; all with total control at any length scale.
- Optimize unit cells to create unique material properties to perfectly suit the application. Increase surface area while reducing weight. Turn geometric complexity into a competitive advantage.
Design Analysis Toolkit
- Use fully integrated simulation capabilities to seamlessly analyze parts in a single, connected workflow.
- Drive geometric parameters directly from simulation results to achieve high-performance parts that meet functional requirements.
- Integrate with the simulation tools an organization already uses, including ANSYS, Abaqus, and Nastran.
Topology Optimization Toolkit
- Discover new and innovative designs early in the product development cycle.
- Apply multiple loading conditions and optimize for a variety of performance criteria including stress, displacement, stiffness, and weight.
- Use automated geometry reconstruction tools to quickly generate instantly editable geometry.
Additive Manufacturing Toolkit
- Position, orient and prepare parts for additive manufacturing from a set of common build platforms.
- Add lattice support structures easily and quickly
- Slice parts avoiding error-prone STL files and export manufacturing data directly to machines
For more about nTop Platform 2.0 go to www.ntopology.com
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191118005073/en/
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