14:16 uur 19-11-2019

Social Football Summit 2019 vindt plaats in Rome in samenwerking met Lega Serie A

ROME– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Debatten, vergaderingen en netwerken gewijd aan digitale marketing en innovatie in de voetbalwereld, maken deel uit van het programma van de tweede editie van de Social Football Summit gepland voor woensdag 20 en donderdag 21 november 2019 in het Stadio Olympico in Rome (ITA).

Het evenement, georganiseerd door de startup “Social Media Soccer” en het digitale bedrijf “Go Project”, in samenwerking met de Lega Serie A, zal 75 sprekers bevatten tijdens een dertigtal conferenties, debatten en andere formats verdeeld in twee hoofdthema’s:

• De eerste is gewijd aan de belangrijkste en meest originele initiatieven op het gebied van digitale marketing en betrokkenheid van fans.

• De tweede is gewijd aan digitale transformatieprocessen, sporttechnologie, eSports, blockchain en andere innovatieve projecten.

Social Football Summit 2019 to Take Place in Rome in Partnership With Lega Serie A

ROME–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Debates, meetings and networking dedicated to digital marketing and innovation in the world of football, are part of the programme of the second edition of the Social Football Summit scheduled for Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21/11/2019 at the Stadio Olympico in Rome (ITA).

The event, organised by the start up “Social Media Soccer” and the digital company “Go Project”, in partnership with the Lega Serie A, will feature 75 speakers during some thirty conferences, debates and other formats divided into two main themes:

• The first is dedicated to the most significant and original initiatives in digital marketing and fan engagement.

• The second is dedicated to digital transformation processes, sports technology, eSports, blockchain and other innovative projects.

The Lega Serie A is very aware of the need to exploit all the new digital marketing tools in order to be a leader in Italy and around the world. The market on which we want to focus strongly is the eSports market, which is now fully integrated into the key areas of sports business. The figures speak for themselves: it is a constantly growing phenomenon, capable of involving an increasingly large and transversal target group. At the Lega Serie A, we are ready to enter the field and play a leading role,” said Luigi De Siervo, CEO of the Lega Serie A.




La Presse

Marcella Gastini


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