Agroaceite, een dochteronderneming van AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp. ontvangt de Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019
GUATEMALA CITY– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Agroaceite, een dochteronderneming van AgroAmerica, ontving de Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019 voor de uitvoering van het “Human Development Center” -project (HDC).
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Agroaceite, een dochteronderneming van AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp. ontving de Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019 voor de uitvoering van het “Human Development Center” -project (HDC). De dochteronderneming heeft 10 ha plantages geschonken voor de bouw van het project dat bestaat uit een medische kliniek en een school voor kinderen van werknemers in het zuidwesten van Guatemala. “Het weerspiegelt de alomvattende visie van het bedrijf om toegang te bieden tot hoogwaardige onderwijs- en gezondheidsdekking,” Gustavo Bolaños –
Agroaceite, a subsidiary of AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp. is Awarded the Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019
GUATEMALA CITY–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Agroaceite, a subsidiary of AgroAmerica, was awarded the Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019 for the implementation of the “Human Development Center” project (HDC).
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Agroaceite, a subsidiary of AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp. was awarded the Community Impact RSPO Excellence Award 2019 for the implementation of the “Human Development Center” project (HDC). The subsidiary has donated 10ha of plantations for the construction of the project that is comprised of a Medical Clinic and school for children of workers in Southwestern Guatemala. “It reflects the company’s comprehensive vision to provide access to high-quality education & health coverage,” Gustavo Bolaños -AgroAmerica COO- (Photo: Business Wire)
The HDC project is based on the Sustainable Development Goals; and is executed by Agroaceite, a subsidiary of AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp; which has donated 10ha of plantations for the construction of the project that is comprised of a Medical Clinic and school for children of workers:
• Medical Clinic: Conducted in partnership with the University of Colorado to promote integral health access. It opened in 2014 and has impacted more than 27 thousand patients in the Southwestern region of Guatemala. It also runs community programs, in which 3,343 children and 1,977 women have participated, to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve the nutritional status of the area.
• School for children of workers: Established to raise the academic level of the area, the school has obtained regional recognition for academic performance and pedagogical methodology.
“It reflects the company’s comprehensive vision to provide access to high-quality education & health coverage,” Gustavo Bolaños -AgroAmerica COO-.
With more than 4,000 members from 92 countries around the world, the RSPO organized, for the first time, the RSPO 2019 Excellence Awards Ceremony to recognize their member’s contributions to sustainable production with practices that go beyond the regulations standards.
The award was presented during the seventeenth Annual RSPO Conference -RT17- held in Bangkok, Thailand. A jury of experts in the palm oil and sustainability sector evaluated RSPO member’s projects in 5 categories: Human Rights and Labour Initiative, Conservation Leadership, Smallholder Impact Programme, Community Impact, and Outstanding Achievement.
About AgroAmerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp.:
It is AgroAmerica’s business unit that engages in the production and marketing of Tropical Oil products.
AgroAmerica is committed to contributing to the well being of people through innovation and technological investment for the development of products, services, programs and projects that promote welfare in the company’s stakeholders.
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About Agroaceite:
Agroaceite is the fourth company in the world, the third in Latin America, and the first in Central America to obtain the RSPO Next certification, which includes several advanced criteria that exceed the RSPO standard.
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Javier Aguirre
Corporate Director
(502) 2420-9600