Paidy levert Buy-Now Pay Later betalingsdienst voor consumenten van Amazon in Japan
TOKYO– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Paidy Inc. (“Paidy”), de directe buy-now pay later betalingsdienst, kondigde aan dat Paidy nu beschikbaar is op (hierna “Amazon” genoemd) als betalingsoptie voor klanten.
Met als doel belemmeringen weg te nemen en eenvoud te omarmen, is Paidy een directe kredietservice na betaling met een eenvoudige UI / UX waar consumenten betalingen kunnen doen met alleen hun e-mailadres en mobiele telefoonnummer. Paidy wil een zinvolle bijdrage leveren om superieur klantgemak op Amazon te bieden.
De oprichter en uitvoerend voorzitter van Paidy, Russell Cummer, zei: “We zijn zeer vereerd met Amazon samen te werken om een nieuwe en unieke consumentenervaring aan Amazon-klanten te bieden. We zien een enorm potentieel om samen met Amazon en andere partners aan toekomstige innovaties te werken en de consumentenervaringen en het betalingslandschap in Japan verder te verbeteren. ”
Paidy to Offer Instant Buy-Now Pay Later Payments for Amazon’s Consumers in Japan
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Paidy Inc. (“Paidy”), the instant buy-now pay later payment service, announced that Paidy is now available on (referred to as “Amazon”) as a payment option for customers.
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Instant buy-now pay later payment service, Paidy is now available on as a payment option for customers. (Graphic: Business Wire)
With the goal of removing barriers and embracing simplicity, Paidy is an instant post-pay credit service with a simple UI/UX where consumers can make payments using just their email address and mobile phone number. Paidy aims to make a meaningful contribution to offer superior customer convenience on Amazon.
Paidy’s Founder and Executive Chairman, Russell Cummer said: “We are deeply honored to be working with Amazon to offer a new and unique consumer experience to Amazon customers. We see tremendous potential to work with Amazon and other partners on future innovations, continuing to improve consumer experiences and the payments landscape in Japan.”
About Paidy
Paidy offers an instant, monthly-consolidated payment account to consumers throughout Japan. In October 2014, Paidy started Japan’s first instant post-pay credit service for e-commerce consumers. With the goal of removing barriers and embracing simplicity, Paidy uses proprietary models and machine learning to underwrite transactions in seconds and guarantees payments to merchants. Paidy increases revenue for merchants by reducing the number of incomplete transactions, increasing conversion rates, boosting average order values, and facilitating repeat purchases from consumers.
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