European DataWarehouse kondigt groene initiatieven aan vooruitlopend op de VN-conferentie over klimaatverandering
FRANKFURT, Duitsland – (BUSINESS WIRE) – European DataWarehouse heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het zich inzet voor het milieu en de verantwoordelijkheid voor het bedrijfsklimaat. Vanaf vandaag plant het bedrijf een nieuwe boom voor elke deal die op zijn platform wordt gemaakt, inclusief actieve deals die al zijn geüpload.
Dr. Christian Thun, CEO van European DataWarehouse merkte op: “Bij gebrek aan technologische vooruitgang om CO2 uit de atmosfeer te verwijderen, is herbebossing de meest effectieve en betaalbare manier om onze CO2-voetafdruk te compenseren. De beslissing om een boom te planten voor elke gemaakte deal is een eenvoudige stap die ons bedrijf kan nemen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. ”
Deze aankondiging komt wanneer leiders en milieuactivisten zich voorbereiden op een bijeenkomst op de Klimaatconferentie van de Verenigde Naties 2019 (COP 25) in Madrid, Spanje.
European DataWarehouse Announces Green Initiatives Ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference
FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– European DataWarehouse today announced its commitment to the environment and corporate climate responsibility. Beginning today, the firm will plant a new tree for every deal created on its platform, including active deals that have already been uploaded.
Dr. Christian Thun, CEO of European DataWarehouse noted, “In the absence of technological advancements to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, reforestation is the most effective and affordable way to offset our carbon footprint. The decision to plant a tree for every deal created is an easy step our firm can take to help combat climate change.”
This announcement comes as leaders and environmentalists prepare to meet at the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) in Madrid, Spain.
As part of this initiative, European DataWarehouse plans to plant more than 2000 trees in the next three years. To further demonstrate its commitment to the environment, European DataWarehouse plans to expand its already green practices. Current programs include a company e-bike leasing scheme, public transport tickets, green printing practices, and travel policies that support train use over air travel.
Notably, European DataWarehouse is also part of the Energy Efficiency Data Protocol and Portal EeDaPP, an initiative which aims to create a standardised energy efficient data protocol and portal for European mortgages. The market-led protocol will enable the large-scale recording of data relating to energy efficient mortgage assets (loan-by-loan), via a standardized reporting template.
European DataWarehouse was established in 2012. Since its inception, ED has collected loan-level data and relevant documentation for more than 1,400 ABS transactions.
About European DataWarehouse GmbH
European DataWarehouse (ED) is the first and the only centralised data repository in Europe for collecting, validating and distributing detailed, standardised and asset class specific loan-level data for Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) and private whole loan portfolios. ED stores loan-level data and corresponding documentation for investors and other market participants. Operating as a market infrastructure and designated by the Eurosystem, ED aims to increase transparency and restore confidence in the ABS market. Through ED’s data, users are able to analyse underlying portfolios in a more efficient way and compare portfolios on a systematic basis.
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European DataWarehouse GmbH
Diane Wathen
Marketing & Communications Manager
Tel. 49-(0)-69-50986-9326