Lega Serie A: Samen tegen racisme
MILAAN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Lega Serie A heeft een open brief geschreven met de titel ‘Together Against Racism’ om deze kwestie in samenwerking met alle clubs binnen de divisie aan te pakken en uit te roeien.
In Serie A staat:
‘We moeten publiekelijk erkennen dat we een ernstig probleem hebben met racisme.
Het is een probleem dat we in de loop der jaren niet genoeg hebben gedaan om te bestrijden.
Beelden van spelers die racistisch worden misbruikt in het Italiaanse voetbal zijn dit seizoen over de hele wereld bekeken en besproken en dat schaamt ons allemaal.
Niemand mag ooit worden blootgesteld aan racisme – binnen of buiten het voetbal – en we kunnen niet langer zwijgen over dit onderwerp of wachten tot het op magische wijze verdwijnt. ‘
Gedreven door de clubs zijn er de afgelopen weken positieve gesprekken gevoerd met Lega Serie A, FIGC en internationale experts over hoe dit probleem in het spel kan worden aangepakt en uitgeroeid.
Lega Serie A : Together Against Racism
MILAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Lega Serie A issues open letter titled ‘Together Against Racism’ as they look to tackle and eradicate this issue from the game in conjunction with all the clubs within the division.
Serie A state:
‘We have to publicly recognise that we have a serious problem with racism.
It’s a problem that we have not done enough to combat over the years.
Images of players being racially abused in Italian football have been viewed and discussed all around the world this season and that shames us all.
No individual should ever be subjected to racist abuse – inside or outside of football – and we can no longer stay silent on this issue or wait for it to magically disappear.’
Driven by the clubs, positive conversations have been held in recent weeks with Lega Serie A, FIGC and international experts on how to tackle and eradicate this issue from the game.
Clubs within Serie A issued the following:
‘We, the undersigned clubs, are united by our desire for serious change and Lega Serie A has stated its intention to lead the way by delivering a comprehensive and robust Serie A anti-racism policy, stricter new laws and regulations and a plan for educating those within the game about the scourge of racism.
We don’t have any more time to waste.
We must now act with speed, with purpose and with unity and we call on you, the fans, to support us in this vitally important endeavour.’
“Lega Serie A is working hard on this topic and is ready to lead the fight against racism inside and outside the stadiums. Any action, any effort would be nothing without the involvement, support and responsibility of every single stakeholder. We are ready to lead this campaign, animated by an extraordinary spirit of cohesion, involving all the clubs but also all the leaders in the fight against racism and discrimination. Leadership, unity, action. This is what we need now. It will be a long way, but it will certainly be easier to travel if we all walk together as a team. We Are One Team“, said Luigi De Siervo, Lega Serie A CEO.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191203005586/en/
La Presse
Marcella Gastini