CallMiner beveiligt investering van $ 75 miljoen van Goldman Sachs
Met deze financiering kan CallMiner meer organisaties helpen bij het verbeteren van de bedrijfsprestaties, het creëren van een betere klantervaring en grotere merkloyaliteit
WALTHAM, Massachusetts – (BUSINESS WIRE) – CallMiner, de toonaangevende leverancier van AI-gestuurde analyse van spraak- en klantinteractie, heeft een investeringsronde van $ 75 miljoen afgesloten bij Goldman Sachs. CallMiner zal de financiering gebruiken om go-to-market plannen te versnellen en case-uitbreiding te gebruiken voor haar toonaangevende analyseplatform, Eureka.
“Klantinformatie is van cruciaal belang voor organisaties om effectief te kunnen concurreren in de huidige omgeving van snelle verandering en digitale vooruitgang. Succes vereist begrip van wat uw klanten en contactcentermedewerkers zeggen, bedoelen en hoe ze zich voelen – en dat inzicht benutten om de manier waarop u werkt en presteert fundamenteel te veranderen, ‘zei Paul Bernard, president en CEO van CallMiner. “We hebben een revolutie teweeggebracht in de manier waarop merken en mensen met elkaar omgaan en zaken doen – en het begint allemaal met door de klant aangedreven inzichten en intelligentie. De investering van Goldman Sachs – een vooraanstaande investeerder in technologie – is een belangrijke mijlpaal en we zijn verheugd dat we ze als partner op deze reis hebben. ”
CallMiner Secures $75M Investment from Goldman Sachs
This funding will enable CallMiner to help more organisations drive significant improvements in business performance, creating a better customer experience and greater brand loyalty
WALTHAM, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CallMiner, the leading provider of AI-fueled speech and customer interaction analytics, has closed a $75 million investment round from Goldman Sachs. CallMiner will leverage the funding to accelerate go-to-market plans and use case expansion for its industry-leading analytics platform, Eureka.
“Customer intelligence is critical for organisations to compete effectively in today’s environment of rapid change and digital advancement. Success requires understanding what your customers and contact centre agents say, mean and how they feel – and leveraging that insight to fundamentally change the way you operate and perform,” said Paul Bernard, president and CEO of CallMiner. “We are revolutionising the way brands and people interact and conduct business – and it all starts with AI-driven customer insights and intelligence. The investment from Goldman Sachs – a preeminent technology investor – is a significant milestone and we are thrilled to have them as a partner on this journey.”
CallMiner continues to experience exponential growth across its universe of over 400 customers including some of the world’s largest brands, financial institutions, communications companies, and business process outsourcers. The company pioneered the speech analytics industry in 2002, and today analyses over 2 trillion words annually across all forms of customer interactions including calls, chats, emails, surveys and texts. Market demand has grown rapidly both inside the contact centre and beyond, with business and performance applications across sales, marketing, customer experience (CX), security, compliance and automation.
“The convergence of customer interaction analytics and customer experience creates a significant market opportunity,” said Holger Staude of Goldman Sachs Growth. “Backed by a strong management team, CallMiner is well positioned to transform the way organisations operate. We look forward to partnering with their team and supporting their continued growth and success.” Staude will join CallMiner’s board of directors.
CallMiner plans to leverage the funding to continue acceleration of new business applications, channel partner integration and development, international expansion, and platform innovation and capabilities.
Cowen served as exclusive financial advisor to CallMiner in connection with the transaction. DLA Piper acted as legal counsel.
For more information about CallMiner visit
About Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division visit
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Alexandra Aguiar
Corporate Ink for CallMiner