21:39 uur 08-01-2020

Source Photonics benoemt Weiming Li als President en Chief Executive Officer

WEST HILLS, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE)- Source Photonics, marktleider op het gebied van optische zendontvangers die worden gebruikt in telecommunicatiesystemen en datacommunicatienetwerken, kondigde met onmiddellijke ingang de benoeming aan van Weiming Li als President en Chief Executive Officer.

Li, een terugkerende veteraan van Source Photonics, volgt de voormalige CEO, Doug Wright, op die ontslag nam uit het bedrijf. “Meneer Li is een ervaren manager met uitgebreide ervaring in de telecomindustrie en met een diverse operationele achtergrond, “zei Jiang Run, een directeur voor Source Photonics en een partner voor de hoofdinvesteerder in het bedrijf. “Hij heeft ook gediend als General Manager van Source Photonics China tussen 2007 en 2013. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat de heer Li het leiderschap zal geven dat nodig is om het bedrijf naar het volgende succesniveau te brengen.”

Source Photonics Names Weiming Li President and Chief Executive Officer

WEST HILLS, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Source Photonics, a market leader of optical transceivers used in telecommunication systems and data communication networks, announced the appointment of Weiming Li as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.

Li, a returning veteran of Source Photonics, succeeds former CEO, Doug Wright, who resigned from the company. “Mr. Li is an experienced executive with extensive telecom industry experience and a diverse operational background,” said Jiang Run, a director for Source Photonics and a partner for the lead investor in the company. “He has also served as General Manager of Source Photonics China between 2007 to 2013. We are confident that Mr. Li will provide the leadership necessary to take the company to the next level of success.”

The board believes that the job of the Source Photonics CEO requires additional attributes to successfully execute on the company’s strategy. Li has a proven track record of growing businesses, building teams, and improving operations. He has a deep understanding of the optical communications technology, products, markets, and customers’ needs which are crucial for the company’s success.

Prior to joining Source Photonics as a General Manager from 2007 to 2013, Li served as VP Operations and GM at Auxora Networks. He also held the positions of VP Manufacturing of Photop Group & GM of Photop Koncent, located in Fuzhou, China. In addition, he served as VP of Business Development at Oplink. Prior to these posts, Li held various positions in General Management, Technology Strategy, and Product Development in various fiber optic, industrial automation, and machinery industries in both the US and in China. Li holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Chong Qing University in China, and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Systems Control from San Jose State University.

Source Photonics has been leading the industry for more than 30 years and was first-to-market various products for access, wireless, and datacom applications. The company aims to continue to support and partner with its customers to meet their volume requirements for advanced technologies.

About Source Photonics:

Source Photonics is a leading provider of innovative and reliable optical communications technology that enables communications and connectivity in datacenters, metro, and access networks. We add value to our customers by developing next-generation solutions that enable their growth by meeting the rapidly increasing demands of cloud infrastructure, wireless communications, routing, and fiber-to-the-premises applications worldwide. Source Photonics has key R&D and manufacturing facilities in California, Taiwan, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Jintan, China. For more information about Source Photonics, please visit www.sourcephotonics.com.


Jasmin Basal

Senior Marketing Communications

Phone: 818-885-4202

Email: jasmin.basa@sourcephotonics.com

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