18:47 uur 27-01-2020

Slokdarmziekten: internationale topexperts komen bijeen voor een conferentie over Barrett’s slokdarm en gastro-oesofageale junctie adenocarcinoom

BOLOGNA, Italië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Van 13 tot 14 februari zal het Royal Hotel Carlton in Bologna de locatie zijn van de eerste editie van het internationale congres georganiseerd door de EACSGE (Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Study Group Europe), gewijd aan fundamenteel en klinisch onderzoek, diagnose en therapie van gastro-oesofageale junctie adenocarcinoom en Barrett’s slokdarm (een pathologie secundair aan gastro-oesofageale refluxziekte, die kan leiden tot slokdarmadenocarcinoom).

Het initiatief wordt gepromoot door het EACSGE en gecoördineerd door Sandro Mattioli, professor aan Alma Mater Studiorum – Universiteit van Bologna, directeur van het Thoracic Surgery en het Esophageal Diseases Center in het Maria Cecilia Hospital (GVM Care & Research) in Cotignola (Ravenna, Italië) en Prof. Sheila K. Krishnadathof van het Universitair Medisch Centrum in Amsterdam (Nederland).

Esophageal Diseases: Top International Experts Meet for a Conference on Barrett’s Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma

BOLOGNA, Italy–(BUSINESS WIRE)– From February 13th to 14th, the Royal Hotel Carlton in Bologna will be venue of the first edition of the international congress organized by the EACSGE (Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Study Group Europe), dedicated to basic and clinical research, diagnosis and therapy of gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma and Barrett’s esophagus (a pathology secondary to gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma).

The initiative is promoted by the EACSGE and coordinated by Sandro Mattioli, Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Director of Thoracic Surgery and the Esophageal Diseases Center at Maria Cecilia Hospital (GVM Care & Research) in Cotignola (Ravenna, Italy) and Prof. Sheila K. Krishnadath of the University Medical Center in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

“For the first time, in the scientific world, basic researchers and clinical specialists in Medical Genetics, Anatomic Pathology, Gastroenterology, Surgery and Oncology will discuss and transform the results obtained in basic research into clinical applications, – Prof. Mattioli explains – in order to make advances in the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma, which is now the sixth most frequent cancer in the Western world”.

The EACSGE boasts multidisciplinary teams from the Universities of Genoa, Helsinki and Verona, the Vita-Salute University and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, and the Oncology Institute Research Hospital in Meldola (FC).

The main objectives of the meeting include taking stock of the current state of knowledge on the biology of the disease, determining the predictors of field cancerization in Barrett’s esophagus, in order to implement targeted surveillance protocols and evaluating the efficacy of vaccines that show promise in being able to halt the field cancerization process.

The discussion among experts may provide knowledge that can be used to modulate surgical and pharmacological therapies at every stage of the disease. Finally, during the conference, meetings will be held among members of the EACSGE and the event’s Faculty, aimed at expanding the study groups and preparing new research protocols.

There is also space devoted to the future of research: young researchers will have the opportunity to deliver a short presentation on the scientific progress of their studies; the most accurate report will also receive an accolade from the Scientific Committee and the organizers.

The complete event schedule is available at this link: https://www.iec-srl.it/index.php/it/eventi-2020/201-traslational-reserach-for-tha-management-of-barrett-s-esophagus-and-esophageal-adenocarcinoma


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