ECT trotseert markttrends en maakt van 2019 een jaar van herkenningstekens
In het huidige telecomklimaat, waar communicatiedienstverleners (CSP’s) naar verluidt investeringen in diensten met toegevoegde waarde (VAS) vermijden, zijn leveranciers die specifiek op dit gebied zijn gespecialiseerd vrijwel verdwenen. In 2019 was ECT echter getuige van een toename van de vraag, met een recordorderopname en een extreem hoge groei.
MÜNCHEN – (BUSINESS WIRE) – ECT (European Computer Telecoms AG), Europa’s toonaangevende bedrijf voor communicatiesoftware voor de realisatie van diensten met toegevoegde waarde, kondigt aan dat het bedrijf opnieuw recordgroei heeft gerealiseerd in 2019. Het bedrijf heeft een jaarlijkse orderintake van meer dan 23 ervaren miljoen EUR. Hoewel het gecontroleerde, geconsolideerde jaarverslag van het bedrijf nog niet is voltooid, is het al duidelijk dat ECT in 2019 de omzetgroei van 20% in het voorgaande jaar overschreed, terwijl de winstgroei met meer dan 30% groeide. Bovendien heeft ECT vanwege de hoge orderportefeuille aan het einde van 2019 en onderhoudscontracten voor 2020 al meer dan 12 miljoen EUR in de boeken voor dit jaar en verwacht het een aanhoudende recordgroei.
ECT Defies Market Trends, Making 2019 a Landmark Year
In the current telecoms climate where communications service providers (CSPs) are reportedly avoiding investments in value-added services (VAS), vendors specifically specialized in this area have all but disappeared. However, in 2019, ECT witnessed an upsurge in demand, realizing record order intake and extremely high growth.
MUNICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– ECT (European Computer Telecoms AG), Europe’s leading communications software company for the realization of value-added services, announces that the company again achieved record growth in 2019. The company experienced an annual order intake of over 23 million EUR. Although the company’s audited, consolidated annual report has yet be completed, it is already clear that in 2019 ECT exceeded the 20% top-line growth achieved in the previous year, while the bottom line grew by over 30%. In addition, due to the high order backlog at the close of 2019 and maintenance contracts for 2020, ECT already has more than 12 million EUR on its books for this year and anticipates continued record growth.
This landmark development is in line with the Board’s long-term goal of maintaining at least 20% year-to-year revenue growth. As Marshall E. Kavesh, the CEO and cofounder of ECT, explains, “after more than 20 years as a profitable, but midsized market player, we last year took on the ambitious goal of growing ECT from a 20 million Euro to a 100 million Euro company by no later than 2025. With the excellent results of the last two years we have made important steps in this direction. Our continued growth, profitability, customer relationships and innovations are the foundation for the long-term prosperity and independence of our company. This is a commitment we make to all the colleagues in our fantastic ECT team and especially to our much appreciated customers.”
Key highlights for 2019 include:
Expanded Depth and Breadth of Customer Relationships
– The vast majority of the orders were received from first-tier carriers which have been ECT customers for 10 years and longer, attesting to the deep satisfaction of the company’s customer base.
– In addition, the company, whose roots are in Europe, continued to expand its footprint in the Americas with new customer acquisitions and conducted direct sales worldwide.
– With one of Finland’s leading telecommunications operators, DNA, the company closed a three-year contract worth many millions of euros for the provision of, amongst other things, licenses for ECT’s application for Virtual PBX / Unified Communications, a license for the Service Creation Environment of the company’s Telephony Application Server (TAS) as well as the utilization of a Dedicated Agile Programming Squad.
– In indirect sales via its partner Nokia Software, the company took part in tenders worldwide, e.g. closing yet another major multimillion deal.
Major Investments in Cutting-Edge Telecoms Technology
– The company founded a new R&D unit for NFVi architecture, implemented integration with Nokia’s CloudBand Application Manager (CBAM) and plans to continue certification with other major VNF Managers in 2020. Few competitors are capable of offering this important, cost-reducing technology.
– All new solutions are implemented based on ECT’s VNFs with the option of full integration with a third-party VNF Manager, providing Automated Lifecycle Management.
– ECT implemented agile methodology throughout the company starting in January 2019 and also launched a program allowing CSPs to take under contract an ECT Dedicated Agile Programming Squad, enabling them to respond in extremely short cycles to the customizations and enhancements demanded by their major corporate and municipal customers.
– Within the framework of ECT’s Joint Agile Product Development, the company’s Innovation Department successfully launched its cutting-edge application for unified communications and collaboration, ECT Workspace, with selected CSPs.
Rapid Organization Growth
– Although many other telecoms vendors are in retrenchment, ECT is accelerating the growth of its team: In 2019, the number of employees increased by ca. 25% compared to 2018 and is expected to grow by at least another 25% by the end of this year, the majority of the new positions being in R&D.
About ECT (European Computer Telecoms AG):
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Angel Sanchez