15:49 uur 18-02-2020

Tigo snelle uitschakelingsoplossing: meer dan een miljoen verzonden eenheden

Tigo’s PV Rapid Shutdown is de enige UL-systeem gecertificeerde oplossing en bevat 110 omvormers voor zowel residentiële als commerciële markten

CAMPBELL, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Tigo Energy, Inc.®, pionier van het slimme modulaire Flex MLPE & TS4-platform, heeft vandaag de succesvolle levering aangekondigd van meer dan een miljoen verzonden snelle uitschakeleenheden. Deze units zijn verkrijgbaar bij meer dan 20 distributeurs in de VS, evenals de PV-module en de omvormerpartners van Tigo in residentiële en commerciële markten. De eis om te voldoen aan de Amerikaanse National Electric Code (NEC) 2017 – en nu 2020 – 690.12 vereisten duwde transporthoeveelheden boven de verwachtingen van het bedrijf. Tigo stelt zijn snelle shutdown-units ook wereldwijd beschikbaar, omdat de wereldwijde vraag naar kosteneffectieve veiligheidsoplossingen toeneemt.

Tigo’s Rapid Shutdown Solution: Over a Million Units Shipped

Tigo’s PV Rapid Shutdown is the only UL-system-certified solution and includes 110 Inverters for both residential and commercial markets

CAMPBELL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Tigo Energy, Inc.®, pioneer of the smart modular Flex MLPE & TS4 Platform, today announced its successful delivery of more than one million rapid shutdown units shipped. These units are available from more than 20 distributors in the U.S. as well as Tigo’s PV module and inverter partners in residential and commercial markets. The demand to comply with the U.S. National Electric Code (NEC) 2017 – and now 2020 – 690.12 requirements pushed shipment quantities beyond the company’s expectations. Tigo also makes its rapid shutdown units available worldwide as global demand for cost-effective safety solutions is on the rise.

Tigo remains the only UL-system-certified multivendor rapid shutdown PV solution for residential and commercial. The company repeatedly warns users that rapid shutdown devices meet NEC requirements if and only if they have been tested and certified by a certification organization like Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Tigo’s list of UL-listed inverters exceeds 110 inverters from 15 manufacturers. This UL certification is part of Tigo’s multivendor initiative providing customers with the choice of reliable, safe, and cost-effective solutions. The compatibility of Tigo’s UL-listed smart modules and UL-listed inverters with manufacturing partners also allows design flexibility for installers to comply with NEC 2017 & 2020 690.12 PVRSS regulations.

“Tigo’s product reliability is exceptional,” says Tigo Chairman & CEO Zvi Alon. “The worldwide reliability of Tigo’s shipped optimizers is 99.9% with a return rate less than .01% – which is the highest in the industry and four times better than other MLPE solutions. Looking at 2020 and beyond, we predict a significant increase in shipments despite some market resettling of the international tariffs and ignorant critiques of MLPE that rocked the solar industry over the last decade.”

The increase in shipments is attributed to Tigo’s efforts in revamping its presence through distribution partnerships in countries with developing safety standards – like Mexico, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, and more. These regions may not have as strict requirements as the U.S., but the presence also brings attention to the other benefits of Tigo like module-level monitoring and optimization. Distributors of Tigo’s RSS solutions in the U.S. include Anixter, BayWa r.e., Capital Electric, CED Greentech, Fortune Energy, Independent Electric, Inter-Island Solar Supply, Krannich, Platt Electric Supply, PROINSO, Renvu, The PowerStore, Warren Del Caribe, Werner Electric, Wholesale Electric Caribe, and more.

Tigo is currently taking orders – for price and delivery, consult your preferred PV module supplier, call Tigo at +1.408.402.0802, or email sales@tigoenergy.com.

About Tigo

Tigo is a Silicon Valley company founded in 2007 by a team of experienced technologists. Combining a unique systems-level approach with expertise in semiconductors, power electronics, and solar energy, the Tigo team developed the first-generation Smart Module Optimizer technology for the solar industry. Tigo’s vision is to leverage integrated and retrofitted Flex MLPE and communications technology to drive the cost of solar electricity down. By partnering with tier 1 module and inverter manufacturers in the industry, Tigo is able to focus on its key innovation with the smartest TS4 modular platform and leverage the broader ecosystem. Tigo has operations in the USA, Europe, Latin America, Japan, China, Australia, and the Middle East. Visit www.tigoenergy.com.


Media Contact for Tigo
Tiffany Douglass

408.402.0802 x 430


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