Wereldpremière voor de in Zwitserland gevestigde horlogemaker Louis Chevrolet
PORRENTRUY, Zwitserland– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Innovatie: leidmotief van Louis Chevrolet
Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches, een horlogemerk gevestigd in Porrentruy, Zwitserland, innoveert een reeks horloges, waaronder het nieuwste patent van het merk – de aanvangsdatum – met een onthulling op Kickstarter vanaf 11 maart, gecombineerd met een andere exclusieve wereld: een kalender en datum volledig lichtgevend in het donker.
Breder en helderder zicht
De combinatie van deze innovatieve concepten die als voorbeeld worden gepresenteerd, reconstrueert hoe de datum op het horloge wordt gelezen. Het conventionele dagvenster wordt 360 graden op de wijzerplaat verplaatst en maakt het mogelijk om lichtgevend materiaal op de datumschijf, op de kalendernummers en op de reflector te plaatsen. Dankzij deze innovaties wordt de leesbaarheid van de datum met 50% verhoogd in vergelijking met de standaard op de gebruikte bewegingen.
World Premiere for Swiss-based Watchmaker Louis Chevrolet
PORRENTRUY, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Innovation : Louis Chevrolet’s leitmotif
Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches, a watchmaking brand based in Porrentruy, Switzerland, is innovating a range of watches including the brand’s latest pending patent – the flying date – with a reveal on Kickstarter from 11th March, combined with another world exclusive : a calendar and date fully luminescent in the dark.

One of the Frontenac automatic LC9 version by Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches (Photo: Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches)
Wider and brighter visibility
The combination of these innovative concepts presented as a preview, reconstrues how the date is read on the watch. The conventional day window is moved 360 degrees on the dial and makes luminescent material able to be placed on the date disc, on the calendar numbers and on the reflector. Thanks to these innovations, readability of the date is increased by 50% compared to the standard on the movements used.
Louis Chevrolet: innovative concepts
Amongst the pioneers of Swiss watchmaking to sell exclusively by digital means, Louis Chevrolet is looking to integrate in its watches an appropriate balance between innovation, design and quality, all at attractive prices. This formula enables watchmaking lovers to enjoy cutting-edge technical innovations, all while guaranteeing the most reasonable and suitable costs.
“Selling our watches only allows us to adopt a fair and favourable pricing policy for our customers. We cover the costs of production, marketing and administration before reinjecting the profit into research and development. On products of a similar range, we can be up to 50% cheaper than our competitors,” says André Saunier, CEO of Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches.
A crowdfunding campaign inspired by “vintage cars”
In order to successfully complete their project, Louis Chevrolet is launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign on 11th March. The quartz and automatic watches will be presented to bring together these two world premieres. Contributors will be rewarded with exclusive advantages. Price starting at CHF 358 (USD 360). More information on www.louischevrolet.com or http://bit.ly/2uUduqM
About Louis Chevrolet
Based in Porrentruy, Louis Chevrolet Swiss Watches sells since 2006 watches designed and manufactured in its factory. The name Louis Chevrolet pays homage to the eponymous man, of Swiss origin, founder of the “Chevrolet Motor Car Company”. The factory is located less than 10km from the place where Louis Chevrolet spent his childhood.
Florent Bregnard
Communication manager
+ 41 (0)324653808