CAPCOM: gewoon tikken! Het is zo makkelijk! Leuke puzzels! De officiële start van de service voor Snoopy Puzzle Journey!
Met 10 miljoen installaties voor apps in deze serie bieden we nu de zeer populaire Snoopy-app om te downloaden! Om dit te herdenken, geven we een Amazon Gift Card (USD 20 of het bedrag gelijk aan USD 20) weg aan 500 mensen per loterij, en meer speciale evenementen volgen nog!
TOKIO– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Snoopy is ‘s werelds beroemdste beagle en hij is overal geliefd! CAPCOM presenteert het vierde casual spel in de serie, Snoopy Puzzle Journey, waar iedereen gemakkelijk van kan genieten. Downloaden is nu beschikbaar!
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release:
CAPCOM: Just tap! It’s so simple! Fun puzzles! The official start of service for Snoopy Puzzle Journey!
With 10 million installs for apps in this series, we are now offering the very popular Snoopy app for downloading! To commemorate this, we are giving away Amazon Gift Card (USD 20 or the amount of money equivalent to USD 20) to 500 people by lottery, and more special events to follow!
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Snoopy is the world’s most famous beagle, and he is beloved everywhere! CAPCOM starts to present the fourth casual game in the series, Snoopy Puzzle Journey, that anyone can easily enjoy. Download is now available!
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

CAPCOM: Just tap! It’s so simple! Fun puzzles! The official start of service for Snoopy Puzzle Journey! (Graphic: Business Wire)
To commemorate the official launch of the app, there is a special campaign on now. It’s time to get ready for it! Keep your eyes peeled!
Downloads Available on Each Platform’s Store!
Google Play
App Store
Amazon App Store:
In Celebration of the Game’s Release:
Amazon Gift Card Giveaway with 500 Winners
We will hold a gift promotion to celebrate the launch of the Snoopy Puzzle Journey puzzle game app!
Amazon Gift Card (USD 20 or the amount of money equivalent to USD 20) are gifted to 500 people by lottery.
Promotion Period
From the app’s release through March 9, 2020, 14:59 (UTC)
NOTE: Please see the special website for specific information and the rules for participation in this campaign.
Official Promotional Video for Snoopy Puzzle Journey
NOTE: The screenshots and information shared in this press release were created during the development process. The content and specifications may change without prior notice.
Genre: puzzle game
Players: 1
Fees to play: Free-to-play, with item-based payment and monthly subscription
Release date: March 3, 2020
Available regions: Planned for 59 countries including Japan
Official website:
Copyright notice:
© 2020 Peanuts Worldwide, LLC. All game code © CAPCOM Co., LTD.
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Direct inquiries to:
Teruya Muramatsu
MO Business Promotions Department
48F, Shinjuku Mitsui Building, 2-1-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-0448