Dole Food Company brengt 2020 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability uit
Het rapport is georganiseerd rond de toewijding van Dole aan People, Nature en Food en stelt ambitieuze duurzaamheidsdoelen voor de activiteiten van Dole
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Dole Food Company heeft vandaag de release aangekondigd van haar Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2020.Het rapport onthult het nieuwe duurzaamheidsraamwerk van de organisatie, ‘The Dole Way’, samen met de allereerste bedrijfsbrede duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen van het bedrijf.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release:
“Sinds onze oprichting streeft Dole ernaar het beste te leveren waar we toe in staat zijn – zowel in onze producten als in de manier waarop we ze produceren”, aldus Johan Linden, CEO van Dole. “De behoefte aan gezonde voedingskeuzes is nog nooit zo duidelijk geweest als de afgelopen weken, omdat we ons aanpassen aan deze wereldwijde pandemie. De reis en toewijding om een verantwoordelijke burger van onze gemeenschappen te zijn, evenals een goede rentmeester van ons land, zullen in onze toekomst worden voortgezet en Dole zal standvastig blijven om eerlijk en transparant te zijn over onze inspanningen en onze impact bij het leveren van gezond voedsel over de hele wereld. ”
Dole Food Company Releases 2020 Corporate Responsibility & amp; Sustainability Report
Organized around Dole’s commitment to People, Nature and Food, report sets ambitious sustainability goals across Dole’s business
CHARLOTTE, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dole Food Company announced today the release of its 2020 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report. The report unveils the organization’s new sustainability framework, “The Dole Way,” along with the company’s first-ever enterprise-wide sustainability goals.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Dole Fresh Fruit, Pineapple Farm (Photo: Business Wire)
“Since our founding, Dole has strived to deliver the best of which we are capable—in both our products and how we produce them,” stated Johan Linden, CEO of Dole. “The need for healthy food choices has never been more evident than during these past weeks as we adapt under this global pandemic. The journey and dedication to be a responsible citizen of our communities as well as a good steward of our land will continue into our future and Dole will remain steadfast in being honest and transparent about our efforts and our impacts in supplying wholesome food across the globe.”
“Of course,” Linden continued, “our stakeholders expect this of us, but even more we expect this of ourselves; to engage in open dialogue, including critical voices, to make a measurable and meaningful difference for people and the planet, and to constantly evaluate and improve. It’s what we believe is the right way to do business.”
Dole’s sustainability report outlines an ambitious slate of initiatives under the Dole Way framework focused on tangible action directed towards five key goals:
- More than ever, Dole understands our responsibility to positively impact underserved communities and promises to donate no less that 2,500 tons of fresh fruit and produce by 2025.
- Dole will effect valuable long-term change by declaring a social premium for Dole branded bananas and pineapple. This social investment will be directed by company organizations and independent foundations that have operated in Dole’s Latin American production areas for decades and will be invested in the communities according to local needs.
- Dole produce is grown in areas where water is becoming increasingly scarce, and Dole is committed to reduce water usage while improving water quality in its operations.
- Dole will continue to take action to promote healthy eating and nutrition education, with a special focus on youth. At its core, this is a promise to support people living longer and healthier lives.
- Dole recognizes that climate change is real and that the food and agriculture industries have a role to play in mitigating its effects. Dole will focus on decreasing its carbon footprint by ensuring new vessels include efficiency upgrades and working towards achieving net zero carbon emissions at farm level by 2030.
Other important sustainability targets include ensuring all packaging materials used in Dole’s banana and pineapple businesses are either recyclable or compostable by 2025, and introducing blockchain or similar technology in all operations to bring about a step-change in food safety and transparency.
Reporting on the impacts of Dole’s responsibility and sustainability goals is also of critical importance.
“This report and our goals are a new milestone in our sustainability pursuit, and farming is at the heart of that transformation. As farmers, we are facing the reality of climate change and are joining all other concerned people and businesses willing to tackle this challenge in our supply chain,” said Xavier Roussel, Vice President of Sustainability. “We will build on our learning—both in precision farming and organic agriculture—to deliver on our commitments in alliance with our business partners and other stakeholders. As an employer we will continue to make a difference in the lives of our employees and local communities and make a positive impact both within our farm borders and beyond.”
Added Roussel, “Dole is absolutely committed to being part of the community of concerned citizens taking on the sustainability challenge.”
To view all Dole’s achievements and goals click the link to the 2020 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report click here.
About Dole Food Company
Dole Food Company, Inc., is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Dole is an industry leader in many of the products it sells, as well as in nutrition education. For more information, please visit
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US Contact: William Goldfield