rf IDEAS viert 25 jaar innovatie op het gebied van identiteitsbeheer.
ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Als leider in de industrie voor identiteitstoegangsbeheer verwelkomt rf IDEAS zijn 25-jarig bestaan met een vernieuwd merk, een vernieuwde website en nieuwe producten in de WAVE ID®-lijn van nabijheid en contactloos lezers voor identificatie, mobiele identificatie en authenticatie.
Een traditie van vooruitstrevende productontwikkeling en uitzonderlijke klantenservice wordt getoond in langdurige samenwerkingen met Imprivata, HP en Google. “Samenwerking is de sleutel tot onze groei en leiderschap in de markt voor identiteitstoegangsbeheer”, zegt David Cottingham, president van rf IDEAS. “Onze nieuwe producten, waaronder grote vooruitgang in contactloze authenticatie, weerspiegelen onze drive om marktoplossingen te creëren die anticiperen op en inspelen op de veranderende behoeften van klanten.”
De opnieuw ontworpen website rfIDEAS.com leidt klanten naar de ideale oplossing voor toepassingen zoals identificatie van werknemers, beveiligd afdrukken, tijdregistratie en andere gebieden, met binnenkort biometrische authenticatie-oplossingen.
rf IDEAS celebrates 25 years of identity access management innovation.
ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As a leader in the identity access management industry, rf IDEAS welcomes its 25th year in business with a refreshed brand, revamped website, and new products in the WAVE ID® line of proximity and contactless identification, mobile credential and authentication readers.
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WAVE ID® Nano USB-C (Photo: Business Wire)
A tradition of progressive product development and exceptional customer service is demonstrated in long-lasting partnerships with Imprivata, HP, and Google. “Collaboration is the key to our growth and leadership in the identity access management market,” says David Cottingham, president of rf IDEAS. “Our new products—including great strides in contactless authentication—reflect our drive to create market solutions that anticipate and deliver on the changing needs of customers.”
The redesigned rfIDEAS.com website guides customers to the ideal solution for applications such as employee identification, secure printing, time and attendance, and other areas, with biometric authentication solutions coming soon.
The company’s newest single sign-on solution, WAVE ID® Nano USB-C, delivers the same wireless reader technology now available in the fast-growing Type-C USB connector, in a design that stands up to hostile environments. It makes reader capabilities possible on smaller devices and is compatible with Apple, Google, and Microsoft USB-C enabled devices, clinician laptops, and mobility applications.
The company’s commitment to innovation and quality ensures that all processes, product quality control, development and overall corporate management meet and exceed customer expectations. As a result, rf IDEAS was listed for five consecutive years (2011 through 2015) on Inc. magazine’s list of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies prior to its acquisition in 2015 by Roper Technologies, Inc. New branding and product lines continue to reflect this dedication to thought leadership and innovation.
About rf IDEAS
rf IDEAS, Inc. is a leader in the card and credential reader space for healthcare, manufacturing, government, and enterprise. Partnering with leading technology companies, rf IDEAS readers enable innovative solutions for single sign-on, secure printing, attendance tracking, and other applications that require authentication. rf IDEAS readers support nearly all credential technologies worldwide and the growing set of mobile credentials. For more information, visit www.rfideas.com.
rf IDEAS® is a registered trademark of rf IDEAS, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks and product or service names are property of their respective owners
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Arlene King
Marketing Manager
Ph: (866) 439-4884 Ext: 480