Whisky & Wealth Club: investeerders blijven hun geld achter whisky steken als vertrouwen in traditionele markten
LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Tijdens de lockdown hebben investeerders £ 3,5 miljoen in vatwhisky gestoken via groothandel, Whisky & Wealth Club. Tussen maart en mei werden in totaal 197,5 pallets verkocht, een stijging van 300% ten opzichte van dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Het merendeel hiervan was in Schotse whisky, aangezien beleggers profiteren van de zeldzame single malt die beschikbaar is.
Dit komt doordat beleggers zich in toenemende mate willen indekken tegen de crashende financiële markten met door activa gedekte investeringen. De FTSE 100 Index is de afgelopen maanden naar beneden gegaan, aangezien beleggers onzeker worden over de kracht van de Europese economie als gevolg van Covid-19.
Whisk (e) y is snel uitgegroeid tot een van de meest populaire alternatieve investeringsmogelijkheden, met zeldzame whisk (e) y bovenaan de Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index. Rijke individuen blijven premiumproducten onderzoeken en kopen te midden van de pandemie. Het kopen van groothandelsvaten is een aantrekkelijke optie geworden omdat de waarde ervan eerder aan de leeftijd dan aan de markten is gebonden, waardoor het in elk klimaat aantrekkelijk is voor investeerders, laat staan voor het huidige klimaat.
Whiskey & Wealth Club: Investors Continue to Put Their Money Behind Whisky as Confidence in Traditional Markets Wavers
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– During lockdown, investors have put £3.5m into cask whiskey through wholesale company, Whiskey & Wealth Club. A total of 197.5 pallets were sold between March and May, an increase of 300% from the same period last year. The majority of this was in Scottish whisky as investors take advantage of the rare single malt available.
This comes as investors increasingly look to hedge against the crashing financial markets with asset backed investments. The FTSE 100 Index has trended downwards for the last couple of months as investors grow uncertain about the strength of the European economy, as a consequence of Covid-19.
Whisk(e)y has fast become one of the most popular alternative investment opportunities, with rare whisk(e)y topping the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index. Wealthy individuals continue to investigate and purchase premium products amidst the pandemic. Wholesale cask purchasing has become an attractive option as its value is tied to its age rather than the markets, making it appealing to investors in any climate, let alone the current climate.
Scotch whisky in particular has become an attractive opportunity for investors. The Scotch wholesale cask market is growing by day, currently estimated to be worth £40m annually. May saw three quarters of Whiskey & Wealth Club’s revenue generated by investors backing this lucrative whisky market.
Co-founder of Whiskey & Wealth Club, William Fielding says: “We have partnered with Scottish distilleries such as Bladnoch to offer our investors exclusive single malt Scotch releases. As whisky producers start to restrict the availability of single malt, the value and demand these will continue to increase. Hence, now is a great time for investors to purchase casks of whisky to sell in 10 years.”
Whiskey & Wealth Club offers both private investors and funds the opportunity to buy cask whiskey at ultra-wholesale prices. The casks are then stored in a secure bonded warehouse to mature for at least five years, before selling for a profit or bottling.
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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200612005217/en/
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For more information or to request any imagery:
Badara Jeng, Milk & Honey PR
020 3637 7310 or badara@milkandhoneypr.com