AutoGrid Flex-platform om Sunrun te helpen de groeiende vloot van residentiële batterijen voor netdiensten te beheren
Partnerschap met AutoGrid vergroot het vermogen van Sunrun om inkomsten uit netdiensten te gebruiken om betaalbare zonne- en opslagproducten aan te bieden aan huiseigenaren
REDWOOD CITY, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – AutoGrid, de marktleider in software voor flexibiliteitsbeheer voor de energie-industrie, kondigde vandaag een samenwerking aan met Sunrun, Inc. (Nasdaq: RUN) om AutoGrid Flex ™ Virtual Power Plant (VPP) te leveren software om Sunrun’s groeiende vloot van residentiële batterijen in de Verenigde Staten te helpen beheren.
Onder de aangekondigde samenwerking zal Sunrun de functies van het AutoGrid Flex-platform gebruiken om haar vloot van Brightbox oplaadbare zonnebatterijen te helpen beheren en nieuwe, innovatieve netwerkdiensten en energiebeheeroplossingen aan te bieden. Het cloudgebaseerde platform vergroot het vermogen van Sunrun om samen te werken met nutsbedrijven en andere elektriciteitsleveranciers om zijn opslagvloot te optimaliseren en te verzenden voor maximaal economisch voordeel voor zowel klanten als het net.
“Zonnepanelen op het dak en batterijen helpen huishoudens door onzekerheid heen. AutoGrid zal onze mogelijkheden verbeteren om nutsbedrijven een gecombineerde vloot van zonne- en batterijbronnen voor thuis aan te bieden om het elektriciteitsnet schoner en veerkrachtiger te maken, terwijl de kosten voor alle energieverbruikers worden verlaagd, ”aldus Lynn Jurich, CEO en mede-oprichter van Sunrun.
AutoGrid Flex Platform to Help Sunrun Manage Growing Fleet of Residential Batteries for Grid Services
Partnership with AutoGrid enhances Sunrun’s ability to use grid-services revenue to offer affordable solar and storage products to homeowners
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AutoGrid, the market leader in flexibility management software for the energy industry, announced today a partnership with Sunrun, Inc. (Nasdaq: RUN) to provide AutoGrid Flex™ Virtual Power Plant (VPP) software to help manage Sunrun’s growing fleet of residential batteries across the United States.
Under the announced partnership, Sunrun will use features of the AutoGrid Flex platform to help manage its fleet of Brightbox rechargeable solar batteries and offer new, innovative grid services and energy management solutions. The cloud-based platform enhances Sunrun’s ability to work with utilities and other electricity providers to optimize and dispatch its storage fleet for the maximum economic benefit of both customers and the grid.
“Rooftop solar and batteries are helping households power through uncertainty. AutoGrid will enhance our capabilities to offer utilities an aggregated fleet of home solar and battery resources to make the electric grid cleaner and more resilient, while reducing costs for all energy consumers,” said Lynn Jurich, CEO and co-founder of Sunrun.
Sunrun is at the leading edge of the transition to a cleaner, more resilient and local electricity system by using rooftop solar and residential batteries to extend grid services to electric utilities and other energy providers. In May, Sunrun announced that the company maintains $50 million in grid services revenue that’s been either contracted or in the pipeline, with projects in New England, California and Hawaii.
These grid services revenues not only help lower the cost of energy storage systems for customers, they also help lower the overall cost of operating the grid by avoiding and deferring expensive infrastructure upgrades and reducing the need to purchase cost-prohibitive peak power. This benefits all electric consumers, including those who are not directly participating in these programs, and significantly reduces the usage of fossil fuel power plants.
With over 5,000 MW of assets under contract, and experience of managing distributed energy resources (DERs) in 12 countries, AutoGrid is the leading provider of flexibility management solutions globally. AutoGrid Flex is ranked as the #1 Virtual Power Plant Platform in the world according to the global ranking published in 2020 by industry-leading research and analysis firm Guidehouse (formerly, Navigant Research).
“As economies are coming back from lockdowns imposed by COVID-19, we are seeing increased societal demand for sustainable energy along with significant demand for cloud-based digital solutions that improve efficiency of operations and competitiveness for energy companies addressing this demand,” said Amit Narayan, Founder & CEO, AutoGrid. “We are honored to be partnering with Sunrun, a true trailblazer in this industry, to work towards our common mission of accelerating access to new energy around the world.”
About Sunrun:
Sunrun Inc. (Nasdaq:RUN) is the nation’s leading home solar, battery storage, and energy services company. Founded in 2007, Sunrun pioneered home solar service plans to make local clean energy more accessible to everyone for little to no upfront cost. Sunrun’s innovative home battery solution, Brightbox, brings families affordable, resilient, and reliable energy. The company can also manage and share stored solar energy from the batteries to provide benefits to households, utilities, and the electric grid while reducing our reliance on polluting energy sources. For more information, please visit
About AutoGrid:
AutoGrid builds enterprise software that enables a smarter distributed energy world. The company’s suite of flexibility management applications allows utilities, electricity retailers, renewable energy project developers and energy service providers to deliver clean, affordable and reliable energy by managing networked distributed energy resources (DERs) in real time, at scale through different value streams. AutoGrid has contracted more than 5,000 megawatts of DERs and works with more than 50 leading energy companies around the world, including Schneider Electric, CLP, Shell, CPS Energy, Eneres and Total.
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Media Contact:
Leo Traub
Antenna Group for AutoGrid