15:43 uur 29-06-2020

FINEOS verwelkomt F&G als nieuwe klant

F&G gebruikt FINEOS Claims, een belangrijk onderdeel van FINEOS AdminSuite, het enige moderne op componenten gebaseerde groeps- en individuele kernsysteem voor leven, ongevallen en gezondheid op één technologieplatform

ATLANTA– (BUSINESS WIRE) – FINEOS Corporation (ASX: FCL), het toonaangevende kernplatform voor levens-, ongevallen- en ziektekostenverzekeringen wereldwijd, is verheugd aan te kondigen dat het vandaag een nieuwe licentieovereenkomst met F&G heeft ondertekend. Ze zullen FINEOS-claims gebruiken in hun leven- en lijfrenteclaims.

FINEOS Claims is de toonaangevende klantgerichte, op het web gebaseerde software voor het verwerken van claims. FINEOS Claims wordt wereldwijd gebruikt door veel toonaangevende verzekeringsinstellingen en een belangrijk productonderdeel van de FINEOS AdminSuite, en ondersteunt zowel groeps- als individuele claims op het cloud-native FINEOS Platform. Het is geïmplementeerd door vervoerders van elke omvang, van kleine afdelingsschadeteams tot grote teams met duizenden gebruikers en miljoenen claims.

FINEOS Welcomes F&G as New Customer

F&G to use FINEOS Claims, a major component of FINEOS AdminSuite, the only modern component-based group and individual core system for Life, Accident and Health on a single technology platform

ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FINEOS Corporation (ASX:FCL), the leading core platform for life, accident and health insurance globally, is delighted to announce today it has signed a new license agreement with F&G. They will use FINEOS Claims in their life and annuity claims processes.

FINEOS Claims is the leading customer-centric, web-based claims processing software. Used globally by many leading insurance organizations and a major product component of the FINEOS AdminSuite, FINEOS Claims supports both group and individual claims on the cloud native FINEOS Platform. It has been deployed by carriers of all sizes, from small departmental claims teams to large teams with thousands of users and millions of claims.

Commenting on the deal, CEO Michael Kelly said: “We are delighted F&G has chosen to work with FINEOS to enhance their claims service. We look forward to a fast and smooth system implementation to enable the benefits of using FINEOS as early as possible. This partnership continues to strengthen and consolidate our market leadership.”

Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, F&G is a leading provider of annuity and life insurance products.

About FINEOS Corporation

FINEOS is a leading provider of core systems for life, accident and health insurers globally with 7 of the 10 largest group life and health carriers in the US as well as 6 of the largest life insurers in Australia. With employees and offices throughout the world, FINEOS continues to scale rapidly, working with innovative progressive insurers in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

The FINEOS Platform provides clients full end to end core insurance administration and includes the FINEOS AdminSuite core product suite as well as add-on products, FINEOS Engage to support digital engagement and FINEOS Insight for analytics and reporting.

For more information, visit www.FINEOS.com.


Victoria Jamison

Marketing Manager

FINEOS Corporation

+ 353 1 639 9767


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