19:49 uur 06-07-2020

Nieuw UC Berkeley Global Program for Freshmen biedt een online“studie-buitenland”-optie

BERKELEY, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – UC Berkeley Global kondigt met trots het Global Program for Freshmen (GPF) aan, dat in de herfst van 2020 wordt gelanceerd. Dit unieke “studie-buitenland”-programma is bedoeld voor inkomende eerstejaars universiteitsstudenten die op zoek zijn naar een hechte, samenwerkende leergemeenschap binnen een digitale leeromgeving.

Studenten hebben toegang tot Berkeley-instructeurs en mentoren terwijl ze nauw samenwerken met hun leeftijdsgenoten in kleine cohorten met behulp van online tools. GPF biedt cursussen Letters & Science (L&S) aan die voldoen aan de belangrijkste vereisten voor majors in verschillende disciplines. Met keuzevakken kunnen studenten in totaal 15 studiepunten per semester behalen, terwijl aanvullende programmering zich zal concentreren op belangrijke kwesties voor eerstejaarsstudenten, waaronder de voorbereiding op het universiteitsleven, het selecteren van een major en loopbaanontwikkeling.

New UC Berkeley Global Program for Freshmen Offers an Online “Study-Abroad” Option

BERKELEY, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– UC Berkeley Global is proud to announce its Global Program for Freshmen (GPF), launching Fall 2020. This unique “online study-abroad” program is designed for incoming first-year university students seeking a close-knit, collaborative learning community within a digital-learning environment.

Students will have access to Berkeley instructors and mentors while working closely with their peers in small cohorts using online tools. GPF offers courses in Letters & Science (L&S) that cover key prerequisites for majors across various disciplines. Elective courses allow students to complete a total of 15 credits per semester, while additional programming will focus on important issues for first-year students, including preparing for college life, selecting a major and career development.

Upon completion, students earn credits that they can transfer to their home institution. This makes GPF an ideal opportunity for universities seeking a high-quality online option for their incoming students, or any individual student who wants a rich and stimulating first-year experience. GPF instructors will emphasize the connections between classroom and experiential learning by building in cohort and community activities mapped onto both core and elective courses.

According to Dr. Diana Wu, Dean of UC Berkeley Global and UC Berkeley Extension, the program will include individualized advising and coaching, while introducing students to life at a major research university. “Our goal is to set students up for a successful college experience, so I’m excited by the blend of thoughtful curriculum, high-impact advising and special programming. We’re offering students some of the best elements of a small liberal arts environment with the resources of one of the finest universities in the world.”

For additional information, contact Samuel Smith at sgsmithglobal@berkeley.edu or visit extension.berkeley.edu/international//freshmen/.

About Berkeley Global

Berkeley Global extends UC Berkeley’s impact by providing opportunities to a vibrant community of international learners. Students from all over the world study at one of the world’s best universities through full-time, part-time and online programs.

About Berkeley Extension

Founded in 1891, UC Berkeley Extension is the continuing education branch of the University of California, Berkeley. Today, Extension offers more than 2,000 courses each year, including online courses, along with more than 70 professional certificates and specialized programs of study.


Sarah Benzuly

Director of Creative Services

Marketing Department

UC Berkeley Global | UC Berkeley Extension


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