Emirates Mars Mission kondigt de livestreamlink aan voor de lancering van de “Hope Probe”
De uitzending begint dinsdag om middernacht in de VAE
Uniek, historisch evenement is te zien op de Emirates Mars Mission Website
DUBAI, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten– (BUSINESS WIRE) – De Emirates Mars Mission heeft de link aangekondigd om de livestreaming van de lancering van de “Hope Probe” te bekijken, te beginnen op dinsdag 14 juli om middernacht UAE Time [20:00 GMT], op www.emm.ae/live
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200713005675/en/
De link biedt iedereen de mogelijkheid om getuige te zijn van deze historische gebeurtenis, de eerste interplanetaire missie van de Arabische wereld.
De sonde wordt gelanceerd vanaf het Tanegashima Space Center in Japan om 00:51:27 UAE Time op 15 juli [20:51 GMT op 14 juli], en markeert een belangrijke mijlpaal als onderdeel van het veelbelovende Emirati project om de Rode Planeet te verkennen.
Emirates Mars Mission Announces the Live Stream Link to the Launch of the “Hope Probe”
Broadcast begins Tuesday at midnight UAE time
Unique, historic event can be viewed on The Emirates Mars Mission Website
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Emirates Mars Mission has announced the link to watch the live streaming of the launch of the “Hope Probe”, starting at midnight UAE Time [20:00 GMT] on Tuesday 14 July, on www.emm.ae/live
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200713005675/en/

The Hope Probe (Photo: AETOSWire)
The link provides an opportunity for everyone to witness this historic event, which is the first interplanetary mission from the Arab World.
The probe is being launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan at 00:51:27 UAE Time on 15 July [20:51 GMT on 14 July], marking an important milestone as part of the promising Emirati project to explore the Red Planet.
The launch is the culmination of efforts of a large team of young Emirati cadres, comprising 200 engineers, experts and researchers, who over the past six years have prepared for this moment and ensured that all scientific and logistical preparations to control the Probe mission were completed.
The Probe will travel 493.5 million km over seven months to reach Mars’ orbit in February 2021, coinciding with the UAE’s Golden Jubilee celebrations to mark the historic union of the Emirates.
*Source: AETOSWire
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200713005675/en/
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