07:55 uur 10-09-2020

I Squared Capital kondigt een strategisch partnerschap van $ 800 miljoen aan voor zijn infrastructuur kredietstrategie

MIAMI– (BUSINESS WIRE) – I Squared Capital heeft een strategisch partnerschap getekend met een groep institutionele investeerders om tot $ 800 miljoen aan kredietinvesteringen in meerdere sectoren en regio’s in te zetten. De strategie zal gericht zijn op een mix van investeringen in senior, mezzanine en unitranche-schuld aan gevestigde bedrijfssponsors en middenmarkt ontwikkelaars in de sectoren energie, nutsvoorzieningen, transport, telecom en sociale infrastructuur. Het mandaat zal het risicospectrum omvatten, van investmentrang tot hoge opbrengst, waarbij de nadruk ligt op sterke neerwaartse bescherming in OESO-landen, voornamelijk in de VS en Europa.

I Squared Capital Announces $800 Million Strategic Partnership for Its Infrastructure Credit Strategy

MIAMI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– I Squared Capital has signed a strategic partnership with a group of institutional investors to deploy up to $800 million in credit investments across multiple sectors and regions. The strategy will target a blend of investments across senior, mezzanine and unitranche debt to established corporate sponsors and middle-market developers in the energy, utilities, transport, telecom and social infrastructure sectors. The mandate will span the risk spectrum, from investment grade to high yield, focusing on strong downside protection in OECD countries, primarily in the U.S. and Europe.

“Infrastructure credit is a natural extension of our global equity strategy and we are excited to leverage our global and sectoral network to invest in infrastructure credit,” said Sadek Wahba, Chairman and Managing Partner of I Squared Capital. “Developing infrastructure is more important than ever and we see robust demand for capital across our key sectors including renewables, telecom, and transport logistics.” These investments will help finance the essential services necessary to recover from the Covid pandemic, mitigate the effects of climate change, and support future economic growth.

The I Squared Capital credit platform was launched this year with a team of 25 professionals and will benefit from the experience and expertise of the global infrastructure platform with over 145 professionals in its six global offices and over $14 billion in equity assets under management.

About I Squared Capital: I Squared Capital is an independent global infrastructure investment manager focusing on energy, utilities, telecom, transport and social infrastructure in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The firm has offices in Hong Kong, London, Miami, New Delhi, New York and Singapore.


Andreas Moon, Managing Director and Head of Investor Relations
+1 (786) 693-5739 | andreas.moon@isquaredcapital.com

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