10:14 uur 23-09-2020

ABP Publishing, een Europese marktleider op het gebied van audioboeken, Rose Superior tot Coronacrisis en verhoogde omzet met 65%

Ondanks de noodzaak om de bedrijfsroutine te veranderen, slaagde de uitgeverij erin de prestaties tijdens de lockdown twee keer te verbeteren.

FRANKFURT, Duitsland – (BUSINESS WIRE) – ABP Publishing deelt de resultaten van het tweede kwartaal. Ze vertonen een aanzienlijke stijging in populariteit en interesse voor audioboeken.

Op basis van de financiële rapporten over het tweede kwartaal, steeg de omzet met 65% in vergelijking met dezelfde periode van vorig jaar. De meest indrukwekkende resultaten zijn behaald op de Franse markt met verdubbelde verkopen.

ABP Publishing, a European Market Leader Audiobook Publisher, Rose Superior to Coronacrisis and Increased Sales 65%

Despite the necessity to change the company routine, the publishing house managed to increase performance twice during the lockdown.

FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– ABP Publishing shares the results of the second quarter. They show a significant rise in popularity and interest to audiobooks.

Based on the financial reports for the second quarter, the sales increased 65% compared with the same period of the previous year. The most impressive results have been achieved in the French market with doubled sales.

Noteworthy, during the quarantine, the structure of the listeners’ interests has changed. For instance, the audiobooks in the category Relationships and parenting were bought by 50% more often than before the lockdown. The listeners who had to spend more time with their families were searching for ways of comfortable and mutually respected communication with their significant others. As judged by reviews, ABP Publishing audiobooks were immensely helpful in such an unusual situation.

Speaking of listeners’ reviews, the average merit of ABP Publishing audiobooks at Audible is more than 4.5 out of 5.0. Moreover, the number of users have completed listening to an audiobook increased by 33.5%. The listeners notice the engaging topics, the high quality of voice-over performance, and eye-catching covers design.

The crucial changes happened in the ABP Publishing organisation. The company created new vacancies in the editorial team. Also, there were some practical courses concerning remote work, so the employees were prepared for new conditions and stayed motivated and engaged in corporate life. The strategy eventually led to the production rise in all the subsidiaries: ABP Verlag, ABP Editions, and ABP Editore. Besides, new markets were started to research and work with, particularly, Swedish, Turkish, Spanish, Norwegian, and Japanese.

The considerable achievements were possible because of the competent and careful management and concerted efforts of all team members. The audiobook is a unique product that requires a creative and flexible approach. The ABP Publishing sales results show that the company found a way to keep the audiobooks in high demand despite all the difficulties in 2020.


Viktoria Salnikova,

Phone Number: +7(968)973-62-79

Email address: editor@ab-publishing.net

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