Vijf hoogtepunten op de 26e Yiwu-beurs om 50.000 wereldwijde handelaars aan te trekken
YIWU, China– (BUSINESS WIRE) – De 26e China Yiwu International Commodities (Standards) Fair (“Yiwu Fair”) werd op 21 oktober geopend in het Yiwu International Expo Center. Het evenement, dat duurt tot 25 oktober, zal naar verwachting meer dan 50.000 zakenmensen over de hele wereld aantrekken, met deze vijf hoogtepunten die je niet mag missen.
Hoogtepunt 1: online en offline handel aanmoedigen
Vanwege de COVID-19-pandemie staan exporteurs dit jaar voor grote uitdagingen. Daarom heeft Yiwu Fair 2020 meer buitenlandse bedrijfsorganisaties en hun vertegenwoordigingskantoren in China uitgenodigd. Naar verwachting zullen ongeveer 10 delegaties met 1.600 buitenlandse zakenlieden in China aanwezig zijn. En online handelsmatchmakingbijeenkomsten gericht op Maleisië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Chili, enz. Zullen exposanten in staat stellen om online in contact te komen met overzeese handelaren terwijl ze buitenlandse handelaren ter plaatse ontmoeten.
Ondertussen zullen er ook matchmakingbijeenkomsten worden gehouden om exposanten te helpen exportgerichte producten op de binnenlandse markt te verkopen.
Hoogtepunt 2: strengere normen om de productkwaliteit te verbeteren.
Yiwu Fair 2020 is meer gericht op “standaarden”. Meer dan de helft van de stands is gemarkeerd als “volgens de normen” om alle 10 tentoonstellingscategorieën te dekken. En het paviljoen met het thema “normen”, bestaande uit de National Up-to-Standards Product Exhibition area, Zhejiang Defined Quality area en de Beauty area, zal plaats bieden aan ongeveer 60 binnenlandse en buitenlandse bedrijven.
Five Highlights at the 26 th Yiwu Fair to Attract 50,000 Global Merchants
YIWU, China–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The 26th China Yiwu International Commodities (Standards) Fair (“Yiwu Fair”) was opened on October 21 at Yiwu International Expo Center. The event, which will last till October 25, is expected to attract over 50,000 businessmen worldwide with these five highlights that can’t be missed.
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Highlight 1: Encouraging online and offline trade
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, exporters are facing great challenges this year. Therefore, Yiwu Fair 2020 invited more foreign business organizations and their representative offices in China. Around 10 delegations with 1,600 foreign businessmen in China are expected to attend. And online trade matchmaking meetings targeting Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Chile, etc. will allow exhibitors to connect with oversea traders online while meeting on-site foreign traders.
Meanwhile, matchmaking meetings will also be held to help exhibitors sell export-oriented commodities in the domestic market.
Highlight 2: Strengthening standards to enhance product quality.
Yiwu Fair 2020 is more focused on “standards”. More than half of the booths are marked “up to standards” to cover all 10 exhibition categories. And the “standards”-themed pavilion, consisting of the National Up-to-Standards Product Exhibition area, Zhejiang Defined Quality area and the Beauty area, will accommodate approximately 60 domestic and overseas companies.
Highlight 3: Choice Goods Pavilion added to highlight Yiwu Goods.
Choice Goods Pavilion is set up for the first time with uniform-styled standard booths to display crystal crafts, unique gift packaging, premium shoes and hats, Yiwu Goods and other fashionable products. Representatives from more than 100 key suppliers will gather to exhibit 4,000+ products in 20 categories.
Highlight 4: “100 rounds” of live streaming to expand sales channels
Live streaming, as a most popular live commerce method, is introduced to the Yiwu Fair. This year, live streaming tents are set up to support “100 rounds” of live streaming. Cyberstars will join in to help exhibitors sell products and obtain orders through online streaming.
Highlight 5: inviting overseas Internet celebrities to promote global brand awareness.
Yiwu Fair 2020 has selected 12 popular overseas business-oriented influencers who are active on global mainstream social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to help increase exposure and enhance the brand awareness of Yiwu Fair beyond China.
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Betty Zhong