Hisense aangeklaagd wegens schending van essentiële octrooien van AVC
DENVER– (BUSINESS WIRE) – MPEG LA heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat octrooihouders in de AVC Patent Portfolio License van MPEG LA bij het Landgericht Düsseldorf, Duitsland octrooiaanvragen hebben ingediend tegen Hisense Germany GmbH (“Hisense”) wegens inbreuk op patenten die essentieel zijn voor de AVC/H .264 (MPEG-4 Part 10) digitale videocoderingsstandaard die wordt gebruikt in mobiele apparaten, televisies en andere producten.
Volgens de klachten biedt Hisense televisieproducten aan in Duitsland die gebruik maken van gepatenteerde AVC-methoden zonder licenties bij de individuele patenthouders of een portfoliolicentie die deze patenten omvat die worden aangeboden door MPEG LA. De rechtszaken vragen om geldelijke schadevergoeding en een rechterlijk bevel.
De eisers worden vertegenwoordigd door een team onder leiding van Axel Verhauwen van Krieger Mes & Graf v. Der Groeben en Gottfried Schüll van Cohausz & Florack.
Hisense Sued for Infringement of AVC Essential Patents
DENVER–(BUSINESS WIRE)– MPEG LA announced today that patent owners in MPEG LA’s AVC Patent Portfolio License have filed patent enforcement actions in the Landgericht Düsseldorf, Germany against Hisense Germany GmbH (“Hisense”) for infringing patents essential to the AVC/H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10) digital video coding standard used in mobile devices, televisions and other products.
According to the complaints, Hisense offers television products in Germany, which use patent protected AVC methods without licenses with the individual patent holders or a portfolio license that includes these patents offered by MPEG LA. The suits seek monetary damages and injunctions.
The plaintiffs are represented by a team led by Axel Verhauwen of Krieger Mes & Graf v. der Groeben and Gottfried Schüll of Cohausz & Florack.
MPEG LA is the world’s leading provider of one-stop licenses for standards and other technology platforms. Starting in the 1990s, it pioneered the modern-day patent pool helping to produce the most widely used standards in consumer electronics history and is expanding access to other groundbreaking technologies. MPEG LA has operated licensing programs for a variety of technologies consisting of nearly 24,000 patents in 94 countries with some 260 patent holders and more than 6,000 licensees. Approximately 2,000 licensees enjoy the worldwide one-stop coverage of MPEG LA’s AVC Patent Portfolio License under essential patents owned by 39 patent holders. By assisting users with implementation of their technology choices, MPEG LA offers licensing solutions that provide access to fundamental intellectual property, freedom to operate, reduced litigation risk and predictability in the business planning process. For more information, go to www.mpegla.com.
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Tom O’Reilly
Tel: 303.200.1710