17:14 uur 02-12-2020

Wereldwijde markt voor elektronische tolheffing en heffingen op het weggebruik zal in 2030 € 490 miljard bereiken

BRUSSEL– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Zoals de Britse regering zojuist aankondigde dat ze Road Usage Charging (RUC) overweegt als financieringsoplossing voor haar wegennet, worden RUC-regelingen over de hele wereld doorgevoerd. In de VS, Azië, Afrika en Oceanië wordt elektronische tolheffing van cruciaal belang om financieringskloven te overbruggen en teruglopende inkomsten uit gasbelasting te vervangen.

PTOLEMUS Consulting Group voorspelt dat in 2030 wereldwijd 874 miljoen abonnementen op ETC / RUC-schema’s actief zullen zijn, waarmee tegen 2030 elk jaar meer dan € 490 miljard wordt opgehaald.

De Electronic Tolling Global Study van PTOLEMUS is de derde editie van de zeer populaire Electronic Tolling-reeks rapporten, en vertegenwoordigt de meest uitgebreide beoordeling van de wereldwijde ETC / RUC-markt tot nu toe, inclusief 950 pagina’s met inzichten, gegevens, analyses en voorspellingen.

Global Electronic Toll Collection and Road Usage Charging market to reach €490 billion in 2030

BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As the UK government just announced it is considering Road Usage Charging (RUC) as a funding solution for its road network, RUC schemes are being pushed ahead around the world. In the US, Asia, Africa and Oceania, electronic tolling is becoming crucial to bridge financing gaps and substitute declining gas tax receipts.

PTOLEMUS Consulting Group forecasts that 874 million global subscriptions in ETC/RUC schemes will be active by 2030, collecting over €490 billion every year by 2030.

PTOLEMUS’ Electronic Tolling Global Study is the 3rd edition of its highly popular Electronic Tolling series of reports, and represents the most comprehensive review of the global ETC/RUC market to-date, including 950 pages of insights, data, analyses and forecasts.

PTOLEMUS expects the global ETC/RUC market to grow at 13% CAGR to 2030, driven by multiple factors including: environmental policy, economic development, interoperability schemes and growth of cashless payments, propelled by COVID-19.

Dr Andrew Jackson, PTOLEMUS’ Research Director stated: “Since our 2017 report, much has changed. From Utah to Kenya, to the Netherlands and China, we devoted over 9,000 hours to analyse the market.” He continued: “EETS has moved from unachievable to unavoidable. Spain may need to toll its motorways again and Audi launched connected vehicle tolling in all its new models in the US.”

PTOLEMUS’ report analyses road funding and tolling strategies of 55 countries and 14 US states. It examines the current status of ETC and RUC schemes, how each area has evolved its legislation and value chain, and provides guidance on infrastructure developments and business opportunities.

According to Dr Jackson, “the changes in the last 3 years have been impressive but they are nothing compared to what will come: from mobile tolling to ANPR and video tolling, city congestion charges and low emission zones (LEZ) to nationwide road pricing schemes. Electronic tolling is moving into the mainstream”.


PTOLEMUS Consulting Group is the first strategy consulting & research firm entirely focused on connected & autonomous mobility. It assists leading mobility stakeholders including governments, toll agencies, road operators, toll technology and service providers, automotive OEMs and vertical service providers in defining & deploying their strategies.

For more information, please contact Andrew Jackson, at etc@ptolemus.com.


Andrew Jackson, Research Director

+44 7930 053 727


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