14:14 uur 08-12-2020

Paige behaalt CE-markeringen voor de detectie van borstkanker en de beoordeling en kwantificering van prostaatkanker op AI gebaseerde digitale diagnostiek

  • Het bedrijf heeft nu vier CE-markeringen in zijn portfolio voor digitale en computationele pathologieproducten
  • Prestaties bouwen voort op de CE-markeringen van het bedrijf voor het eersteklas Paige-product voor prostaatkankerdetectie en digitale pathologiekijker FullFocusTM in 2019

NEW YORK– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Paige, een wereldleider op het gebied van AI-gebaseerde digitale diagnostiek, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het een CE-markering heeft ontvangen voor Paige Breast, zijn borstkankerdetectiesoftware die verdachte gebieden aangeeft voor verdere beoordeling door pathologen die borstbiopsieën evalueren. Het bedrijf ontving ook een CE-markering voor Paige Prostate Grading & Quantification, een digitale diagnose die informatie op dia-niveau biedt voor primaire en secundaire Gleason-patronen en tumorgrootte om de behandelplanning te informeren. Met deze CE-markering zijn beide producten nu beschikbaar voor gebruik in laboratoria en ziekenhuizen in de Europese Economische Ruimte, Zwitserland en het VK.

Paige Achieves CE Marks for Breast Cancer Detection and Prostate Cancer Grading and Quantification AI-based Digital Diagnostics

  • Company now has four CE marks in its portfolio for digital and computational pathology products
  • Achievements build on company’s CE marks for first-in-class Paige Prostate Cancer Detection product and digital pathology viewer FullFocusTM in 2019

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Paige, a global leader in AI-based digital diagnostics, today announced it received a CE mark for Paige Breast, its breast cancer detection software that indicates suspicious areas for further review to pathologists evaluating breast biopsies. The company also received a CE mark for Paige Prostate Grading & Quantification, a digital diagnostic that offers slide level information for primary and secondary Gleason patterns and tumor size to inform treatment planning. With these CE marks, both products are now available for use in laboratories and hospitals in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and the UK.

“The CE mark in breast cancer represents an important regulatory validation for our computational pathology products as we broaden our applications in oncology, while the CE mark in prostate cancer adds valuable grading and quantification features for our existing CE marked Paige Prostate offering,” said Leo Grady, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Paige. “We continue to rapidly advance new products that improve pathology workflow and improve diagnostic confidence for some of the most prevalent cancers including breast cancer. I am incredibly grateful to all the Paige team members and our physician colleagues worldwide who have helped advance this technology in order to ultimately optimize patient outcomes.”

Paige Breast Enables Slide and Case Level Predictions on Breast Cancer Presence

For pathologists diagnosing breast cancer – the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in European countries1 – the potentially large volume of breast tissue slides to be reviewed can pose challenges for workload management and pathologist productivity. Paige Breast is designed to draw pathologists’ attention to concerning features on a breast tissue slide and provides slide and case level predictions about the presence of cancer. This functionality enables pathologists to more easily, efficiently and confidently identify small foci of cancer that can be easily missed.

“By reducing inter-observer variability, uncertainty, and time, this technology will enable pathologists to drive informed treatment more efficiently, helping to ensure patients receive the best care,” said Matthew Hanna, M.D., Director of Digital Pathology Informatics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. “These technologies have the potential to increase physician productivity while minimizing burnout, particularly for diseases with high incidence, such as breast cancer, where hospitals may be faced with a large volume of patient cases.”

Paige continues to enhance functionality for Paige Breast, including quantification and subtyping functionality, for future deployment.

Streamlining Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Through AI-based Grading and Quantification

Grading and quantification of prostate tissue are time consuming tasks that are often subjective with high inter-observer variability as part of the diagnosis process. With the addition of the new grading and quantification functionality, Paige Prostate can enhance diagnostic confidence for the pathologist while increasing consistency and standardization.

Paige Prostate Grading & Quantification provides slide level information for primary and secondary Gleason patterns, tumor length and tumor percentage. The product provides visual overlays that indicate the specific regions of the slide corresponding to each Gleason pattern, which can reduce the time it takes a pathologist to determine and measure a grade. Furthermore, Paige Prostate Grading & Quantification exhibits high concordance with sub-specialized pathologists which means the technology has the potential to decrease a pathologist’s need to defer cases for additional review without compromising diagnostic accuracy. This technology thereby streamlines workflows to decrease turnaround time for the patient and clinician.

For more information about Paige Breast, Paige Prostate Grading & Quantification and our other solutions, please contact info@paige.ai.

About Paige

Paige was founded in 2017 by Thomas Fuchs, Dr.Sc. and colleagues from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). The company builds computational pathology products designed so patients and their care teams can make effective, more informed treatment decisions. With this new class of AI-based technologies positioned to drive the future of diagnostics, Paige created a platform to deliver this novel technology to pathologists to transform their workflow and increase diagnostic confidence and productivity. Paige’s products deliver insights to pathologists and oncologists so they can arrive efficiently at more precise diagnoses for patients. Paige is the first company to receive FDA breakthrough designation for computational pathology products.

For additional information, please visit: https://www.Paige.ai, https://www.paigeplatform.com , Twitter and LinkedIn.

Dr. Matthew Hanna has a compensated consulting relationship with Paige. MSK has intellectual property rights and associated financial interests related to Paige by virtue of licensing agreements between MSK and Paige.

1 The Cancer Atlas – The Burden: Europe. American Cancer Society. Accessed November 23, 2020. https://canceratlas.cancer.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CA3_Europe.pdf


Jon Yu

Westwicke/ICR Healthcare PR

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