Liva Healthcare haalt € 24,5 miljoen aan financiering binnen – geleid door Verlinvest – om Europees leiderschap te stimuleren in digitale preventie en beheer van chronische ziekten
KOPENHAGEN, Denemarken – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Liva Healthcare (“Liva”), een Europese marktleider in schaalbare digitale gezondheidscoaching, heeft een nieuwe financieringsronde van EUR 24,5 miljoen binnengehaald, geleid door Verlinvest, de go-to investor voor missie- gedreven ondernemers en categoriebepalende wereldwijde consumentenmerken. De investering stelt Liva in staat haar positie als Europese leider in digitale gezondheids- en leefstijlcoaching voor chronische ziektepreventie en -beheer te versterken.
Liva is een gezondheidstechnologiebedrijf met hoofdkantoor in Kopenhagen en Londen met de missie om het leven te verbeteren van mensen die risico lopen op of leven met chronische aandoeningen zoals diabetes type 2, obesitas en hartaandoeningen door middel van positieve gedragsverandering. Liva combineert schaalbare gezondheidscoaching gericht op persoonlijke menselijke relaties met een intuïtieve en gebruiksvriendelijke interface. Liva werd in 2015 opgericht door het team achter het onafhankelijke gezondheidsinformatieportaal
De aanhoudende Covid-19-pandemie heeft geleid tot een aanzienlijke verschuiving in de acceptatie van zorg op afstand door Europese consumenten. Deze verschuiving in acceptatie en het daaropvolgende patiëntgedrag heeft Liva in 2020 een aanzienlijke toename van de belangstelling van publieke zorgverleners en life science-bedrijven opgeleverd.
Liva Healthcare secures €24.5m funding – led by Verlinvest – to drive European leadership in digital chronic disease prevention and management
COPENHAGEN, Denmark–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Liva Healthcare (“Liva”), a European market leader in scalable digital health coaching, has secured a new funding round of EUR 24.5 million, led by Verlinvest, the go-to investor for mission-driven entrepreneurs and category-defining global consumer brands. The investment will enable Liva to strengthen its position as a European leader in digital health and lifestyle coaching for chronic disease prevention and management.

Liva Healthcare secures €24.5m funding – led by Verlinvest – to drive European leadership in digital chronic disease prevention and management (Photo: Business Wire)
Liva is a health tech company headquartered in Copenhagen and London with the mission to improve the lives of people at risk of, or living with, chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases by driving positive behavioural change. Liva blends scalable health coaching focused on personal human relationships with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Liva was founded in 2015 by the team behind independent health information portal
The on-going Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant shift in acceptance of remote healthcare by European consumers. This shift in acceptance and the subsequent patient behaviour has given Liva a significant increase in interest from public healthcare providers and life science companies in 2020.
Liva is used by clients such as Amgen, AXA Health, City of Copenhagen, Bupa Australia and several other key players in public healthcare, insurance and life science industries globally. Liva is also a partner to NHS England on its world-leading National Diabetes Prevention Programme. Liva is currently operational in Britain, Australia, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland with operations currently being setup in Germany and Switzerland.
“This new funding, from one of Europe’s strongest purpose-led, consumer growth investors, will substantially accelerate our expansion in core European markets,” says André Sode, CEO of Liva Healthcare. “COVID-19 has demonstrated how effective remote digital health solutions can be. With healthcare providers around the world looking for scalable solutions to combat the rise in diabetes and obesity, we are ideally placed to support and have experienced a significant increase in interest as a result.”
“This investment represents a major new entry into digital health for Verlinvest, where technology is fuelling consumer revolutions,” says Simone Sallustio, Executive Director at Verlinvest. “Digital healthcare has been vital in getting treatment to patients during the pandemic and this trend will continue as effective virtual programmes give people more flexible healthcare options. Liva’s advanced technology and proven clinical outcomes set it apart from its competitors. In this exciting and rapidly evolving space, Liva’s experience and established partnerships represent a strategic choice for Verlinvest.”
About Liva Healthcare:
Liva Healthcare is a leading provider of scalable digital health coaching, delivering human-centric coaching through an advanced app to help people prevent and manage obesity, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
For more information:, LinkedIn and Twitter.
About Verlinvest:
Verlinvest is a privately-owned family investment company based in Brussels with offices in New York, London, and Singapore.
For more information: and LinkedIn.
Lewis Oakley