09:12 uur 04-02-2021

Rockefeller Asset Management lanceert Rockefeller Climate Solutions UCITS aangestuurd door institutionele en professionele beleggers in de Scandinavische regio

NEW YORK– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Op 9 december 2020 lanceerde Rockefeller Asset Management (RAM), een divisie van Rockefeller Capital Management, zijn derde aandelen-UCITS-fonds, het Rockefeller Climate Solutions Fund. Dit vergroot het spectrum van duurzame beleggingsoplossingen van het bedrijf, inclusief Amerikaanse en wereldwijde ESG-aandelenstrategieën, allemaal beschikbaar voor de Europese markt via het Rockefeller Capital Management UCITS ICAV-platform.

RAM heeft in samenwerking met The Ocean Foundation (TOF) bijna negen jaar geleden de Climate Solutions Strategy opgesteld, gebaseerd op de overtuiging dat klimaatverandering economieën en markten zal transformeren door veranderende regelgeving, verschuivende koopvoorkeuren van de volgende generatie consumenten en technologische vooruitgang. Deze wereldwijde strategie maakt gebruik van een bottom-upbenadering met hoge overtuiging om te investeren in bedrijven met een betekenisvolle omzetblootstelling aan belangrijke milieusectoren zoals hernieuwbare energie, energie-efficiëntie, water, afvalbeheer, beheersing van vervuiling, voedsel en duurzame landbouw, beperking van de gezondheidszorg en klimaat. ondersteunende diensten. De portefeuillebeheerders zijn van mening dat bedrijven die oplossingen voor klimaatmitigatie en -adaptatie produceren, op lange termijn beter zullen presteren dan bredere aandelenmarkten. De Climate Solutions-strategie, die nu pas breed op de markt wordt gebracht aan externe investeerders, presteerde beter dan de MSCI ACWI-index met 18,59% (op netto basis) in 2020 en 4,27% op jaarbasis over de afgelopen 5 jaar.

Rockefeller Asset Management Launches Rockefeller Climate Solutions UCITS Driven by Nordic Region Institutional and Professional Investors

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– On December 9, 2020, Rockefeller Asset Management (RAM), a division of Rockefeller Capital Management, launched its third equity UCITS fund, the Rockefeller Climate Solutions Fund. This expands the firm’s spectrum of sustainable investment solutions, including US and Global ESG equity strategies, all available to the European market through the Rockefeller Capital Management UCITS ICAV platform.

RAM, in collaboration with The Ocean Foundation (TOF), established the Climate Solutions Strategy nearly nine years ago based on the belief that climate change will transform economies and markets through changing regulation, shifting buying preferences from next-generation consumers, and technological advancements. This global strategy deploys a high conviction, bottom-up approach to investing in companies with meaningful revenue exposure to key environmental sectors such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, water, waste management, pollution control, food & sustainable agriculture, healthcare mitigation, and climate support services. The portfolio managers believe that companies producing climate mitigation and adaptation solutions will outperform broader equity markets over the long-term. The Climate Solutions Strategy, which is only now being broadly marketed to outside investors, outperformed the MSCI ACWI Index by 18.59% (on a net basis) in 2020 and 4.27% annualized over the past 5-years.

Rockefeller Climate Solutions UCITS is co-managed by Casey Clark, CFA, and Rolando Morillo, who lead RAM’s thematic equity strategies, leveraging the intellectual capital built from RAM’s four decades of ESG investing experience. Since the inception of the Climate Solutions Strategy, RAM has also benefited from the environmental and scientific expertise of The Ocean Foundation (TOF), a non-profit dedicated to conserving ocean environments around the world. Mark J. Spalding, the President of TOF, and his team serve as advisors and research collaborators to help bridge the gap between science and investing and contribute to the strategies, idea generation, research, and engagement process.

Rolando Morillo, Fund Portfolio Manager, says: “Climate change is becoming a defining issue of our time. We believe investors can generate alpha and positive outcomes by investing in companies producing climate mitigation or adaption solutions with distinct competitive advantages, clear growth catalysts, strong management teams, and attractive earnings potential.”

Nearly a decade ago, a group of forward-thinking investors asked Rockefeller to build a portfolio that has the potential to generate excess returns and help solve the climate crisis. In response to their interest, we built the Rockefeller Climate Solutions Strategy and are excited to open it to an expanded audience with the launch of our UCITS fund,” said Chip Montgomery, Head of Business Development and Corporate Strategy. “We are seeing growing demand in Europe for thematic investing, driven by concern about climate change, especially in the Nordic Region, which has been at the forefront of sustainable investing. Gjensidigestiftelsen, the largest Norwegian financial foundation, is a cornerstone investor in the fund. We are proud that the fund could play a small part in the great work that Gjensidigestiftelsen is doing to promote health and safety initiatives.”

Rockefeller Climate Solutions UCITS is available to institutional and retail investors in certain European markets, featuring a founders’ share class with favorable economics and terms for select early-stage investors, and is available for passporting into many European countries.

RAM leverages the relationships of Hyde Park Investment Ltd for Europe and Archipelago Partners in the Nordic region for targeted capital raising.

About Rockefeller Asset Management (RAM)

Rockefeller Asset Management, a division of Rockefeller Capital Management, offers global, U.S., non-U.S., and environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) equity strategies, as well as a range of tax-exempt and taxable fixed income strategies, serving institutions, high net-worth individuals and families. With over 30 years of experience in global investing, we pair our distinctive worldview and long-term investment horizon with thorough fundamental research combining traditional and non-traditional analysis. We offer strategies that seek to outperform benchmarks over multiple market cycles, driven by a disciplined investment process in a highly collaborative team culture. As of December 31, 2020, Rockefeller Asset Management had $11.2B in assets under management. For more information visit https://rcm.rockco.com/ram.

About The Ocean Foundation

The Ocean Foundation (TOF) is an international community foundation based in Washington D.C., established in 2003. As the only community foundation for the ocean, its mission is to support, strengthen, and promote organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world. This model enables the foundation to serve donors (expert management of a portfolio of grants and grantmaking), generate new ideas (develop and share content on emerging threats, potential solutions, or better strategies for implementation), and nurture implementors (help them be as effective as they can be). The Ocean Foundation and its current staff have been working on ocean and climate change issues since 1990; on Ocean Acidification since 2003; and on related “blue carbon” issues since 2007. For more information visit https://oceanfdn.org/.

About Gjensidigestiftelsen

A modern financial foundation supporting a philanthropic mission with a 200 year history from the insurance industry. Gjensidigestiftelsen is the largest Norwegian financial foundation – established in 2007 as a charitable foundation then converted into a financial foundation prior to the listing of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA in 2010.

The proceeds from the sale of 38 percent stake have been invested in a diversified portfolio managed by Gjensidigestiftelsen’s professional in-house investment team. The financial return earned is fully dedicated to the advancement of the Foundation’s program and philanthropic purposes. The Gjensidige Foundation’s financial objectives are to manage its long-term ownership of Gjensidige, to pass on a share dividend to Gjensidige’s non-life insurance customers, and to manage the revenue raised from the sale of shares.

Our mission is to promote good lives in a safe society. The Gjensidige Foundation provides funding and support to charitable organizations working within our core areas. From its establishment in October 2007 up until 2019, the Gjensidige Foundation has distributed over NOK 2.7 billion to more than 8.500 projects that promote health and safety initiatives https://www.gjensidigestiftelsen.no/en/

About Hyde Park Investment

Hyde Park Investment was founded in 2004. We market investment funds to European institutional investors. Our firm has become one of the leading groups for distribution of traditional ESG and alternative funds to institutional investors; we offer truly pan-European coverage with offices in London, Madrid, Malta, and Paris. Archipelago Partners is Hyde Park’s partner in the Nordics. https://hydeparkinvestment.com/

About Archipelago Partners

Archipelago Partners provides investors access to international asset managers by promoting select traditional and alternative managers’ Funds and discretionary mandates into the Nordic countries. Archipelago Partners assists the investment managers with the marketing of their funds and managed accounts and help servicing their investors. http://www.archipelago-partners.com/

The material is for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any product or service to which this information may relate. Certain products and services may not be available to all entities or persons.

An investment in the fund involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. The value of equity and fixed income securities may decline significantly over short or extended periods of time. More information on these risk considerations, as well as information on other risks to which a fund is subject are included in the fund’s prospectus.

Performance information provided is for the Rockefeller Asset Management – Climate Solutions Equity Composite as of 12/31/20, and may not be representative of current or future performance. The performance of individual accounts within a particular strategy will vary. Returns shown are based on daily, time-weighted total returns in US dollars that include unrealized and realized capital change and income earned from underlying holdings. Composite returns are calculated based in daily, asset-weighted individual portfolio returns using beginning-of-period values and net external asset movements. Trade date accounting is used for recording and valuing positions in the account. Dividends are recognized in the account on an ex-date basis. Performance results reflect the effect of cash and cash equivalents. Net of Fees performance returns shown reflect the gross performance after the deduction of an annual investment management fee of 1.20% deducted monthly – the highest breakpoint in effect under historical fee schedules during the periods shown. Rockefeller’s standard management fees are disclosed in Part 2A of its Form ADV. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. The returns of other portfolios included in the composite or for a new portfolio may vary from the information shown. Future results may vary substantially from past performance. No investment strategy can guarantee profit or protection from loss.

This release does not constitute or contain an offer, solicitation, recommendation or investment advice with respect to the purchase of the fund described herein or any security. Prospective investors should carefully consider fund objectives, risks, charges, tax considerations and expenses and other relevant information before investing. For this and more information on the Rockefeller Capital Management UCITS ICAV (the “ICAV”), please request a prospectus and read it carefully before you invest. Prospective investors should also consult their professional advisers as to the suitability of any investment in light of their particular circumstances and applicable citizenship, residence or domicile. The ICAV has been authorized in Ireland as a UCITS pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) Regulations.

Shares of the fund are only available for certain non-U.S. persons in select transactions outside the United States, or, in limited circumstances, otherwise in transactions which are exempt from the registration requirements of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended and such other U.S. laws as may be applicable.


Offshore investors, Chip Montgomery, +1-212-549-5315 jmontgomery@rockco.com

U.S. investors, Laura Esposito, +1-212-549-5212 lesposito@rockco.com

U.S. media, Kelly Whalen, +1-857-301-9936 kwhalen@prosek.com

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