Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum start procedures
MINNEAPOLIS- (BUSINESS WIRE)- Imricor Medical Systems, Inc.(Company of Imricor) (ASX:IMR), wereldwijd marktleider op het gebied van MRI-geleide cardiale ablatieproducten, kondigt met genoegen aan dat het Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+ (MUMC+)in Nederland is begonnen met de procedures sinds de langdurige lockdowns in heel Europa electieve operaties onmogelijk hebben gemaakt. Het team in het MUMC+ heeft gisteren met succes twee ablaties van atriale flutter uitgevoerd.
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Elektrofysioloog, Dr. Marisevi Chaldoupi, MD PhD, merkte op: “Vandaag realiseerden we ons bij onze ablatie dat we in het verleden beperkt waren, en nu kunnen we zien wat we doen. Hoewel we net zijn begonnen met iCMR, is het duidelijk om de toekomst van deze technologie te zien en waar het ons en de behandeling van de patiënt naartoe zal brengen.”
Maastricht Univerisity Medical Center Commences Procedures
MINNEAPOLIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Imricor Medical Systems, Inc. (Company or Imricor) (ASX:IMR) the global leader in MRI-guided cardiac ablation products, is pleased to announce the Maastricht University Medical Centre+ (MUMC+) in the Netherlands has commenced procedures since the extended lockdowns across Europe precluded elective surgeries. The team at MUMC+ successfully performed two atrial flutter ablations yesterday.
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Dr. Marisevi Chaldoupi performing an atrial flutter ablation with Imricor’s products at MUMC+ in a standard MRI suite equipped to function as an iCMR lab (Photo: Business Wire)
Electrophysiologist, Dr. Marisevi Chaldoupi, MD PhD, commented: “Today in our ablation we realized that we were limited in the past, and now we can see what we are doing. While we have just started in iCMR, it is obvious to see the future of this technology and where it will take us and patient treatment.”
Imricor’s Chair and CEO, Steve Wedan, commented: “This is great news and an exciting step forward, as we start to put COVID behind us. We continue to actively plan for the easing of COVID restrictions, including scheduling training and installation at new sites and supporting the recommencement of procedures at existing sites. We also expect to begin signing new labs again soon, growing our installed base.
“Notably, MUMC+ is one of the sites where cardiology and radiology are partnering to utilize an existing MRI suite as an iCMR lab as a way to start performing ablations using Imricor’s products immediately, while future plans are being made for constructing dedicated iCMR lab facilities. They are a model for other sites who want to get started in a similar way.”
Dr Miranda Bijvoet, MD (imaging Cardiologist) and Dr Casper Mihl, MD (Radiologist) together stated: “Today proved that it is feasible to turn a diagnostic MR into an iCMR lab, and the technique has great potential as we were able to evaluate the ablation lesion and validate the treatment in the right position. This is a great collaboration between cardiology and radiology.”
Rob Holtackers, PhD (MR Physicist) added: “Combining the best imaging with the best of electrophysiology practice allows us to provide better patient care. The partnership is making this amazing project work.”
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Steve Wedan
Executive Chair, President and CEO
Investors & Australian Media:
Carrie Barrack
Senior Advisor, Cato & Clive
Mobile: +61 422 464 028
Rest of World Media:
Nick Twohy
Director of Marketing, Imricor
Phone: +1 952 818 8407