08:08 uur 26-02-2021

CGTN: Classics geciteerd door Xi Jinping: waarom steunen de mensen de CPC?

BEIJING– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Een studie van Harvard die afgelopen juli werd gepubliceerd, meldde dat de Communistische Partij van China (CPC) een hoge mate van steun en tevredenheid heeft onder Chinezen, met meer dan 93 procent.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210225006334/en/

Sinds de CPC werd opgericht op 1 juli 1921, was het haar missie om geluk te zoeken voor het Chinese volk en verjonging voor de Chinese natie. Dit is het recept van het succes van de CPC.

Staan bij de mensen

Tijdens een bijeenkomst ter gelegenheid van de 95ste verjaardag van de oprichting van de CPC, citeerde de Chinese president Xi Jinping een klassiek gezegde:

‘Alleen als een heerser onder de bevolking steun krijgt van zijn onderdanen, kan hij voorkomen dat hij zijn koninkrijk verliest.’

– “The Great Learning” van “The Book of Rites.”

Xi citeerde deze klassieker niet alleen om na te denken over de ervaringen en lessen die door de geschiedenis heen zijn geleerd en om te herinneren aan het oude politieke principe om gefocust te blijven op de mensen, maar ook om te benadrukken dat de partij achter de mensen staat.

CGTN: Classics Quoted by Xi Jinping: Why Do the People Support the CPC?

BEIJING–(BUSINESS WIRE)– A Harvard study published last July reported that the Communist Party of China (CPC) has a high rate of support and satisfaction among Chinese people, at over 93 percent.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210225006334/en/

Since the CPC was founded on July 1, 1921, its mission has been to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. This is the recipe of the CPC’s success.

Standing with the people

Speaking at a gathering marking the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, Chinese President Xi Jinping quoted a classical saying:

“Only if a ruler gains popular support from his subjects can he avoid losing his kingdom.”

-“The Great Learning” of “The Book of Rites.”

Xi quoted this classic not only to reflect on the experiences and lessons learned throughout history and to call to mind the ancient political principle of staying focused on the people, but also to stress that the Party stands with the people.

CPC member’s acting as the vanguard in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic serves as a telling example of staying with the people.

Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 39 million CPC members fought the virus on the frontline, and more than 13 million CPC members volunteered their services. Nearly 400 CPC members defended others’ lives and safety at the cost of their own.

Faithful to its founding mission

Xi, on many occasions, has stressed that everything the CPC does is for the well-being of the Chinese people, rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as well as peace and development of mankind, noting that the CPC will never waver in pursuing such a goal.

A case in point is the poverty eradication miracle China realized.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee has given top priority to the battle against poverty in its governance, and has organized the world’s biggest and toughest poverty-relief battle in human history.

The Party has also sent over three million cadres to the frontline to ensure not a single ethnic group, family or person is left behind on the nation’s path to common prosperity.

Nearly 100 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty over the last eight years, that’s about 1,500 people per hour. It also means China has reached the targets of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.

Original article: here.



Jiang Simin

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