07:48 uur 26-02-2021

International Zinc Association lanceert Zinc Battery Initiative

Zink is veilig, betrouwbaar en duurzaam en gaat energieopslag transformeren

DURHAM, N.C. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – De International Zinc Association (IZA) is verheugd de lancering van haar nieuwste programma, het Zinc Battery Initiative, aan te kondigen.

Recente extreme weersomstandigheden, versterkt door klimaatverandering, hebben opnieuw de aandacht gevestigd op de toekomstige rol van fossiele brandstoffen en de capaciteit en veerkracht van energienetten wereldwijd.

Een van de meest impactvolle manieren om dit aan te pakken, is door middel van kosteneffectieve energie-opslag. Aangezien hernieuwbare energie een steeds groter deel van het elektriciteitsnet wordt, kan energieopslag helpen bij het aanpakken van de intermitterende energie van zonne- en windenergie. Het kan ook helpen in te spelen op grote schommelingen in de vraag door overtollige energie op te vangen en op te slaan tijdens een lage vraag en deze online te brengen tijdens piekmomenten. Energieopslag helpt ook om veerkracht te bieden door als back-up energievoorziening te dienen wanneer de opwekking wordt onderbroken. Het zal ook een cruciale rol spelen bij het elektrificeren van transport en andere toepassingen waar stroom nodig is, maar vaste verbindingen met het net zijn niet praktisch.

International Zinc Association Launches Zinc Battery Initiative

Safe, Reliable and Sustainable, Zinc is Set to Transform Energy Storage

DURHAM, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The International Zinc Association (IZA) is excited to announce the launch of its newest program, the Zinc Battery Initiative.

Recent extreme weather events, amplified by climate change, have once again focused attention on the future role of fossil fuels and the capacity and resilience of energy grids worldwide.

One of the most impactful ways of addressing this is through cost-effective energy storage. As renewables become an ever-greater part of the electrical grid, energy storage can help address solar and wind power’s intermittency. It can also help respond to large fluctuations in demand by capturing and storing excess energy during low demand and bringing it online during peak times. Energy storage also helps provide resilience by serving as a backup energy supply when generation is interrupted. It will also play a pivotal role in electrifying transport, and other applications where power is needed, but tethered connections to the grid are not practical.

Addressing climate change and creating energy grids resistant to extreme weather will require a variety of technologies. Zinc batteries have much to contribute. They are versatile, offering flexible designs with broad operating temperatures, high power discharge, and are capable of long-duration storage. Zinc has strong supply chains in all major regions, with production in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Zinc batteries also have an excellent safety record, making them an ideal choice where physical safety is essential.

“The advancement of zinc battery technologies, resulting in low-cost, sustainable, and safe options for key applications represents a disruptive innovation with significant impacts on these markets going forward,” said Andrew Green, executive director of the International Zinc Association. “We are enthusiastic about creating a partnership between our zinc-producing members and leading companies in the zinc battery sector to help promote the development and use of these technologies.”

Members of the ZBI include some of the leading companies in the zinc-battery sector, including ZincFive, Zinc8, Salient Energy, Urban Electric Power, e-Zinc, ZAF Energy Systems, and AEsir Technologies, Inc.

For more information on the Zinc Battery initiative, please visit www.zincbatteryinitiative.com.

About IZA

The IZA is a non-profit organization representing the global zinc industry to sustainably grow markets and maintain the industry’s market access through effectively managed initiatives in research & development, technology transfer, and communication of the value of zinc. For additional information, please visit www.zinc.org.

About ZBI

The Zinc Battery Initiative (ZBI) is a program of the International Zinc Association (IZA). Formed in 2020 to promote rechargeable zinc batteries, ZBI facilitates cooperation between producers to enable the increased development of mission critical technologies. For more information, please visit www.zincbatteryinitiative.com.


Media Contact:
Rob Putnam


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