NZMP™ -klanten zullen profiteren van nieuwe door Carbonzero gecertificeerde ingrediënten
Het merk voor zuivelingrediënten van Fonterra zal beginnen met het uitrollen van zijn nieuwe carbonzero-gecertificeerde NZMP™ biologische boter
NZMP™, Fonterra’s merk voor zuivelingrediënten en -oplossingen, heeft een nieuwe carbonzero-gecertificeerde biologische boter gelanceerd. De nieuwe Organic Butter debuteert met zijn lancering in Noord-Amerika en zal NZMP-klanten helpen hun eigen duurzaamheidsdoelen te bereiken en te voldoen aan de vraag van de consument naar duurzamere producten.
AUCKLAND, Nieuw-Zeeland – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Met 72 procent van de wereldwijde consumenten die interesse tonen in merken die actief prestaties rond duurzaamheid communiceren1, is de introductie van carbonzero-ingrediënten slechts één manier waarop NZMP™ -klanten gebruik kunnen maken van de duurzaamheidsoplossingen van Fonterra.
NZMP’s™ eerste gecertificeerde carbonzero-ingrediënt is gecontroleerd en geverifieerd door Toitū Envirocare, een onafhankelijke certificeerder.
NZMP™ Customers Set to Benefit From New Carbonzero Certified Ingredients
Fonterra’s dairy ingredient brand will begin rolling out its new carbonzero certified NZMP™ Organic Butter
NZMP™, Fonterra’s dairy ingredient and solutions brand, has launched a new carbonzero certified Organic Butter. Debuting its launch in North America, the new Organic Butter will help NZMP’s customers to achieve their own sustainability goals and meet consumer demand for more sustainable products.
AUCKLAND, New Zealand–(BUSINESS WIRE)– With 72 per cent of global consumers expressing an interest in brands that actively communicate achievements around sustainability1, the introduction of carbonzero ingredients is just one way in which NZMP™ customers can leverage Fonterra’s sustainability solutions.
NZMP’s™ first certified carbonzero ingredient has been audited and verified by Toitū Envirocare, an independent certifier.
Lara Phillips, Senior Manager of Fonterra Sustainability Solutions, says: “Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time and we’re committed to finding solutions to reduce our footprint further as part of our ongoing journey in sustainability.
“To obtain carbonzero certification for an ingredient, Toitū audits and verifies the carbon emissions for that ingredient across the supply chain. We also have to demonstrate how we have reduced our emissions to date, as well as the plan we have in place to reduce our emissions further.
“The final step in the certification is offsetting the verified carbon footprint with high quality carbon credits approved by Toitū, for example from native forest regeneration or renewable energy projects. By going through this process, it can help customers reduce emissions in their supply chain and enable consumers to buy products that make a difference.
“Achieving carbonzero certification for products like Organic Butter is a great way for us to help our customers and the environment in the short-term, while we work towards net zero in our operations.”
Kelvin Wickham, Chief Executive AMENA, believes Carbon Zero ingredients, like NZMP™ Organic Butter, can help unlock real benefits for our customers by helping to meet their sustainability targets, signal environmental values, and grow brand preference and market share through differentiated products.
“Fonterra New Zealand has one of the world’s lowest on-farm carbon footprints, approximately one third of the global average, putting NZMP™ in a strong position to offer sustainability solutions that help customers reduce their environmental impact, while claiming an advantage in the market.”
NZMP™ Organic Butter with carbonzero certification is currently available to customers in the USA. Over time, to support customer needs and demand, NZMP™ will look to broaden the portfolio to more product categories and regions.
To find out more about the new carbonzero certified NZMP™ Organic Butter visit
1 FMCG Gurus Sustainability research report, 2019
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For more information, please contact Sophie Coley, Porter Novelli, on behalf of NZMP.
+64 22 565 8919