BDA zet Bermuda markt in de kijker op RIMS virtuele conferentie
HAMILTON, Bermuda– (BUSINESS WIRE) – De Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA) zal een virtuele paneldiscussie houden over de aansprakelijkheidsmarkt van Bermuda en een Bermuda-netwerkpauze als onderdeel van RIMS, de jaarlijkse conferentie van de risicomanagement maatschappij®, een uitgebreid evenement voor risicobeheer dat de gemeenschap van risicomanagement verbindt en informeert. De BDA is er trots op diamond sponsor te zijn van het evenement van dit jaar, RIMS LIVE, dat plaatsvindt van 19-30 april.
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Het panel, getiteld “Veranderingen en trends in aansprakelijkheidsrisico”, wordt gehouden op 22 april van 14.00 tot 15.00 uur ADT. Tijdens de sessie zal Judy Gonsalves, divisievoorzitter bij Chubb Bermuda, aanwezig zijn; Saadia Savory, vice-president en hoofd van de ongevallenverpleging Bermuda bij Aspen Insurance; en Kirsten Beasley, interim-hoofd, Willis Towers Watson Bermuda. Gemodereerd door Jasmine DeSilva, de business development manager van de BDA voor risico- en verzekeringsoplossingen, zal het panel de huidige toestand van de aansprakelijkheidsmarkt, opkomende trends en de reactie van de Bermuda-markt onderzoeken.
BDA to Spotlight Bermuda Market at RIMS Virtual Conference
HAMILTON, Bermuda–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA) will host a virtual panel discussion on Bermuda’s liability market and a Bermuda networking break as part of RIMS, the risk management society® annual conference, a comprehensive risk management event that connects and informs the risk management community. The BDA is proud to be a diamond sponsor of this year’s event, RIMS LIVE, which takes place from April 19–30.
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Bermuda Educational Session at RIMS LIVE 2021 (Graphic: Business Wire)
The panel, titled “Changes and Trends in Liability Risk,” will be held on April 22 from 2–3 p.m. ADT. The session will feature Judy Gonsalves, division president at Chubb Bermuda; Saadia Savory, vice president and head of casualty Bermuda at Aspen Insurance; and Kirsten Beasley, interim head, Willis Towers Watson Bermuda. Moderated by Jasmine DeSilva, the BDA’s business development manager for risk and insurance solutions, the panel will explore the current state of the liability market, emerging trends, and the Bermuda market’s response.
“RIMS is the largest risk event of the year — it is a staple in the calendar and the Bermuda market has proudly attended for more than 35 years,” BDA’s CEO Roland Andy Burrows said. “The BDA and Bermuda are extensively committed to supporting and growing the risk management industry here, and participating in the RIMS annual conference is a key part of that. Bermuda continues to work hard to remain at the forefront of commercial trends and drives innovation forward as one of the world’s most important insurance and reinsurance hubs.”
For those who want to connect with Bermuda and the BDA, or find out more, the BDA will host a virtual booth where delegates can learn more about the market, view videos, and engage in live chat. Delegates can also schedule video meetings.
On a lighter note, the BDA will be bringing Bermuda to the attendees during the “Take a Break in Bermuda” networking event on April 20 at 4:30 p.m. ADT, providing an opportunity to hear from the Premier of Bermuda, the Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP; Bermuda’s Minister of Finance, the Hon. Curtis Dickinson, JP, MP; and BDA CEO Roland Andy Burrows, who will all be speaking from the beautiful Hamilton Princess & Beach Club.
Also from the Hamilton Princess, Jasmine DeSilva and Andrew Holmes, Bermuda brand director for Goslings, will make Bermuda’s famous Rum Swizzle cocktail in Sheila Gosling’s Maytag vintage washing machine from 1964 — the same appliance Bermuda’s late social queen used to prepare drinks in the 1960s. The BDA will also announce the winner of an all-expenses paid trip to Bermuda, including a stay at the Hamilton Princess.
For more information on RIMS and to register for the conference, click here. To schedule a meeting with a BDA team member, please email or For more information on the BDA, click here.
The BDA encourages direct investment and helps companies start up, re-locate or expand their operations in our premier jurisdiction. An independent, public-private partnership, we connect you to industry professionals, regulatory officials, and key contacts in the Bermuda government to assist domicile decisions. Our goal? To make doing business in Bermuda smooth and beneficial.
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Tiara Webb
+1 441 292 3602
877 697 6228