Biomax Informatics: Universiteiten gebruiken NeuroXM™ om het connectoom te bestuderen bij medicijnresistente epilepsie
PLANEGG, Duitsland – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Met behulp van het NeuroXM-kennismanagementplatform van Biomax Informatics hebben wetenschappers van de universiteiten van Nottingham, Newcastle, Qingdao, Shanghai en München de verandering in het connectoom bij medicijnresistente epilepsiepatiënten bestudeerd. Ze ontdekten dat connectiviteit tussen en binnen hersenregio’s een precieze voorspeller kan zijn voor ziekteprogressie en de uitkomst van epilepsiechirurgie.
De NeuroXM Brain Science Suite van Biomax werd gebruikt om een kennismodel te ontwikkelen voor intra-areale connectiviteit met hoge resolutie met meer dan 50.000 corticale knooppunten en enkele miljoenen verbindingen, evenals bijbehorende geautomatiseerde verwerkingspijplijnen. Dit connectiviteitsnetwerk kon vervolgens worden gevisualiseerd en benaderd via het webportaal van NICARA™, de neuroimaging-oplossing van Biomax. “Onze ervaring leert ons dat onze software gemakkelijk in ziekenhuizen kan worden ingezet”, legt projectleider Dr. Markus Butz-Ostendorf van Biomax uit. “Bovendien kan het ook worden gecombineerd met andere gegevens uit de genetica of uit andere beeldvormende benaderingen zoals PET, CT of EEG.”
Biomax Informatics : Universities use NeuroXM™ to study the connectome in drug-resistant epilepsy
PLANEGG, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Using Biomax Informatics’ NeuroXM knowledge management platform, scientists from the Universities of Nottingham, Newcastle, Qingdao, Shanghai and Munich have studied the change in the connectome in drug-resistant epilepsy patients. They discovered that connectivity between and within brain regions can be a precise predictor for disease progression and epilepsy surgery outcome.
The NeuroXM Brain Science Suite of Biomax was used to develop a knowledge model for high-resolution intra-areal connectivity with more than 50,000 cortical nodes and several million connections, as well as corresponding automated processing pipelines. This connectivity network could then be visualized and accessed via the web portal of NICARA™, the neuroimaging solution offered by Biomax. “Our experience shows us that our software can be easily deployed in hospitals,” explained project leader Dr. Markus Butz-Ostendorf of Biomax. “In addition, it can also be combined with other data from genetics or from other imaging approaches such as PET, CT or EEG.”
Dr. Marcus Kaiser, Professor of Neuroinformatics at the University of Nottingham, confirms, “The use of NeuroXM and NICARA is central to this research project. With the help of this advanced neuroimaging solution, we can analyze and evaluate the changes in the local network within brain regions and thus assess whether surgery will be successful or not.”
The results from this study have now been published in the journal Human Brain Mapping.
End of Press Release
Academic Paper
Chen, X., Wang, Y., Kopetzky, S. J., Butz-Ostendorf, M., & Kaiser, M. (2021). Connectivity within regions characterizes epilepsy duration and treatment outcome. Human Brain Mapping,1–15. ET AL. 15.
About the NeuroXM Brain Science Suite
The NeuroXM Brain Science Suite provides comprehensive information from neuroimaging, molecular biology, neuro-genomic data, public ontologies and data sets integrated in a unified knowledge model. The extendible network of interrelated neuroscience concepts gives users a single interface to collect knowledge, focus on specific questions and get a greater return on investments in expensive neurological data.
About Biomax Informatics
Biomax Informatics offers software solutions for better decision-making and optimal knowledge management in the life sciences industry. Using the company’s software, customers can generate added value through the integration of information from their own and public resources, enabling them to achieve a knowledge-based approach for the development of innovative life sciences products. Biomax’s global customers include clinics, companies, and research institutions successful in the fields of research into active substances, diagnostics, fine chemicals, and food and plant products. The company, which was founded in 1997 and currently has 45 members of staff, is headquartered in Planegg near Munich. Further information can be found at
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Bettina von Klitzing-Stückle
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Dr. Markus Butz-Ostendorf
Innovation Manager Brain Science