09:05 uur 20-05-2021

J.P. Morgan is de nummer 1 Europese webtransactie-overnemer

Firma om het aanbod van winkeliers te verbeteren met een nieuwe kaartbetaaloptie in de winkel

LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – J.P. Morgan heeft voor het zesde jaar op rij de eerste plaats veroverd in de Europese ranglijst van koopvaardijverwerkers van het Nilson Report in Europa door middel van webgebaseerde transacties.

Volgens het rapport1 hebben de 45 grootste overnemers vorig jaar meer dan 22 miljard webgebaseerde transacties afgehandeld met een waarde van meer dan $ 1 biljoen. J.P. Morgan verwerkte in 2020 meer dan vijf miljard online transacties namens klanten, met een marktaandeel van 23,4%. J.P. Morgan handhaafde ook zijn positie als vooraanstaande Amerikaanse verwerker van detailhandel- en e-commercetransacties.

J.P. Morgan Ranks #1 European Web Transaction Acquirer

Firm to enhance retail merchant offering with new in-store card payment option

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– J.P. Morgan has secured the top spot in the Nilson Report’s European ranking of merchant acquirers in Europe by web-based transactions for the sixth year running.

According to the report1, the 45 largest acquirers handled over 22 billion web-based transactions with a value of over $1 trillion last year. J.P. Morgan processed more than five billion online transactions on behalf of clients in 2020, with a market share of 23.4%. J.P. Morgan also maintained its position as top U.S. processor of retail and ecommerce transactions.

As consumer behaviour continues to evolve, merchants are turning to J.P. Morgan to help respond and to streamline their business processes. Later this year J.P. Morgan plans to offer card present solutions in a selection of European countries – enabling in store payment for the first time. This is an important step in the firm’s European omnichannel payments journey, and complements the existing suite of products it offers merchants in the region.

“As many of our retail clients on the European high street begin to emerge after managing the challenges of a global pandemic, we will be in a position to support them as they navigate the post-lockdown era,” said Basil Bailey, Head of Product for EMEA Merchant Services. He added: “While e-commerce has clearly accelerated during the last year, we’re also seeing that consumers are keen to return to physical stores. Streamlining merchants’ operations during this readjustment period by offering them an in-store payment option alongside our established e-commerce processing platform will enable them to save time, costs and ultimately focus on growth.”

The new card present solution demonstrates the firm’s commitment to international growth and expansion. Collaborators including ACI Worldwide, Aurus and FreedomPay will support the firm in delivering this enhanced offering and helping retailers adapt to a new landscape.

About J.P. Morgan’s Wholesale Payments business

J.P. Morgan’s Wholesale Payments business combines the firm’s treasury services, trade, card and merchant services capabilities to help clients pay anyone, at any time, from anywhere in the world. Operating at the forefront of payments innovation, our solutions help clients succeed in an era of digital transformation and evolving customer expectations. J.P. Morgan processes over $6 trillion payments daily, is the world’s top USD clearer and was the first bank to offer real-time payments across USD, GBP and EUR.

1 The Nilson Report, issue 1197 May 2021


Rebecca Hooper

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