NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) — De uitdaging aangaan om tegen 2050 koolstofneutraliteit te bereiken door middel van een positieve cyclus van economische groei en milieubescherming — Online evenement van woensdag 28 juli
TOKIO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het Ministry of Economy, Trade en Industry (METI) en de Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) kondigen met genoegen de gezamenlijk georganiseerde “NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021)” aan om inspanningen voor groen investeringen en het realiseren van CO2-neutraliteit tegen 2050. Raadpleeg het bijgevoegde volledige persbericht voor details.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier:
Het hoofdprogramma bestaat uit keynote speeches door vertegenwoordigers van de Japanse regering, key opinion leaders (KOL’s) en CEO’s van grote bedrijven die toonaangevend zijn in de groene sector, evenals paneldiscussies over toekomstige trends en problemen rond de verschuiving naar koolstofneutraliteit. Streaming wordt live uitgezonden op 28 en 29 juli JST, meerdere keren voor verschillende tijdzones.
NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) — Meeting the Challenge to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 Through a Positive Cycle of Economic Growth and Environmental Protection — Online Event From Wednesday, 28th July
To Register:
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) are pleased to announce the jointly organized “NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021)” to promote efforts towards green investment and realizing carbon neutrality by 2050. Please refer to the attached full News Release for details.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Main visual of the Japan Business Conference (Graphic: Business Wire)
Main Program
The main program consists of keynote speeches by representatives of Japan’s government, key opinion leaders (KOLs) and CEOs of large corporations that lead the green industry, as well as panel discussions on future trends and issues surrounding the shift to carbon neutrality. Streaming will be broadcast live on July 28th and 29th, JST, multiple times for different time zones.
* Details of the main program, including the list of keynote speakers, will be announced through upcoming news releases and on the summit’s official website.
NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) Details*
Organizers: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Event date: From Wednesday, 28th July, 2021
Event Format: Online (prior registration required)
Region: Worldwide
Event Agenda:
– Panel discussion by world leaders (Main Program)
– Interactive sessions between companies and attendees through virtual event booths by Japanese firms
Attendance Fee: Free
*The event details above are valid as of 2nd June, 2021 and are subject to change according to unforeseen circumstances surrounding preparation.
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For media related inquiries
NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) PR Office
SAKI MASUNO / E-mail / +81 70 3190 3662