20:03 uur 15-06-2021

Proteintech Group viert 20-jarig jubileum

2021 markeert het 20-jarig jubileum van Proteintech met 100.000ste vermelding van hun producten

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Proteintech Group, een toonaangevende fabrikant van antilichamen en aanverwante producten, viert de 20e verjaardag van zijn oprichting. Om de prestaties en uitdagingen van de afgelopen jaren te vieren, zal Proteintech het hele jaar door speciale evenementen organiseren met haar klanten, medewerkers en medewerkers, terwijl ze uitkijken naar toekomstige kansen.

“In de loop der jaren zijn we getuige geweest van talloze ontdekkingen en we kunnen niet trotser zijn op alles wat onze klanten hebben bereikt. We willen al onze klanten bedanken voor hun onvermoeibare inspanningen en opofferingen om wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen te bevorderen,” Dr. Jason Li, CEO

Proteintech Group Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary

2021 marks Proteintech’s 20th anniversary with 100,000th citation of their products

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Proteintech Group, a leading manufacturer of antibodies and related products, is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding. To celebrate the achievements and challenges of the past years, Proteintech will host special events throughout the year with its customers, collaborators, and employees while still looking forward to future opportunities.

“Over the years we have witnessed countless discoveries and we couldn’t be prouder of everything our customers have achieved. We want to thank all of our customer for their tireless efforts and sacrifices to advance scientific discovery,” Dr. Jason Li, CEO

Proteintech Group was founded in early 2001 by a small group of scientists including its current CEO, Dr. Jason Li. The founders set out with a vision to produce an antibody for every single protein coded in the human genome. Comprehensive coverage of all human gene products is a massive undertaking, but critical because it is difficult for researchers to predict which targets may be required to further scientific studies. With antibodies for two-thirds of the human genome, Proteintech has the largest self-manufactured target coverage of all antibody companies.

100,000 success stories to date

“While we are proud of our progress as a company over the past couple decades, we are most proud of what our technology has done in the hands of scientists. We’ve seen more than 100,000 citations of our products since our company establishment,” said Dr. Li. “We are excited about the future and how we can continue to help scientists apply the new technology we are working on to help people.”

Company expansion and cGMP facility

As Proteintech has continued to expand their own antibody, protein and ELISA kit product lines, they have welcomed other producers of high-quality tool providers for scientists. In April 2018, Proteintech acquired Humanzyme™, a Chicago-based manufacturer of human cell-expressed proteins, and shortly thereafter opened their cGMP facility in 2019. Using a proprietary HEK293 cell expression technology, HumanKine™ proteins are authentic human proteins with human glycosylation providing an optimized biological activity. Furthermore, they can be easily transferred from research grade, preclinical and process development to GMP grade for manufacturing in clinical trials and for commercial products.

In 2020, Proteintech acquired ChromoTek, a Munich-based manufacturer of camelid, single-domain antibodies, also known as nanobodies. These high-performance recombinant reagents will help Proteintech address opportunities and challenges in single cell analysis, super resolution imaging, and multiplex assays.

Over the last 20 years, Proteintech has grown in their global reach. With locations in the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, China and Japan, Proteintech is able to provide fast delivery around the world. Now with over 300 employees worldwide, Proteintech is setting their sights on continuing to support the future of science with quality, transparency, and customer needs in mind.

For more information on Proteintech and their products please visit ptglab.com. For the event page please visit ptglab.com/news/company-news/celebrating-our-20th-anniversary.


Thompson + Conard Communications

Jane Thompson


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