10:13 uur 26-08-2021

Moody’s ESG Solutions lanceert data-oplossing om investeerders te helpen hun strategieën af te stemmen op de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen van de VN

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Moody’s ESG Solutions heeft vandaag SDG Alignment Screening gelanceerd, een data-oplossing die beleggers helpt de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) van de Verenigde Naties (VN) te integreren in op SDG afgestemde beleggingsstrategieën, fondsen, indices en rapportage. De 17 SDG’s, aangenomen in 2015 als onderdeel van de 2030-agenda voor duurzame ontwikkeling van de VN, zijn een oproep tot actie om economische groei te stimuleren, sociale inclusiviteit te bevorderen en de ecologische duurzaamheid te verbeteren.

“Met nog minder dan tien jaar te gaan om de Agenda 2030 voor duurzame ontwikkeling te realiseren, hebben investeerders een sleutelrol te spelen bij het verstrekken van de nodige financiering om de SDG’s te helpen bereiken, wat vereist dat ze worden gepresenteerd als eenvoudige statistieken”, aldus Sabine Lochmann, Global Hoofd van Moody’s ESG-maatregelen. “Onze SDG Alignment Screening biedt hoogwaardige gegevens, waardoor beleggers de SDG’s kunnen benutten, zowel als onderdeel van risicobeheer- en rapportagekaders, als als gids voor kapitaaltoewijzing.”

Moody’s ESG Solutions Launches Data Solution to Help Investors Align Strategies with UN Sustainable Development Goals

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Moody’s ESG Solutions today launched SDG Alignment Screening, a data solution that helps investors integrate the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into SDG-aligned investment strategies, funds, indices, and reporting. Adopted in 2015 as part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 17 SDGs are a call to action to spur economic growth, promote social inclusiveness, and improve environmental sustainability.

“With less than a decade left to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, investors have a key role to play in providing the necessary finance to help meet the SDGs, which requires them to be presented as simple metrics,” said Sabine Lochmann, Global Head of Moody’s ESG Measures. “Our SDG Alignment Screening provides high-quality data, helping investors leverage the SDGs both as part of risk management and reporting frameworks, and as a capital allocation guide.”

Moody’s new solution provides data for approximately 5,000 listed companies covering over 300 data points. The screening methodology adopts a dual materiality approach, capturing both the contributions that a company makes to the SDGs through its products and services, as well as a company’s impact on the SDGs through its management systems and stakeholder relations.

Earlier this month, Moody’s launched Global Compact Screening, which assesses companies against the standards of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.

To learn more about Moody’s SDG Alignment Screening and Global Compact Screening, visit www.moodys.com/esg-measures.


Moody’s ESG Solutions Group is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. The group leverages Moody’s data and expertise across ESG, climate risk, and sustainable finance, and aligns with Moody’s Investors Service and Moody’s Analytics to deliver a comprehensive, integrated suite of ESG and climate risk solutions including ESG scores, analytics, Sustainability Ratings and Sustainable Finance Reviewer/certifier services.

Moody’s ESG Solutions Group includes V.E and Four Twenty Seven, both affiliates of Moody’s. For more information visit Moody’s ESG & Climate Risk hub at www.moodys.com/esg


Moody’s ESG Solutions:

Lisa Stanton

MD-Global Sales Lead/ESG

+1 (415) 874-6000


Media inquiries:

Tim Whatmough


+33 (153) 303-385


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