Zyxel Communications ondersteunt eifel-net om service te herstellen te midden van overstromingen in West-Duitsland
Eifel-net, met hoofdkantoor in het midden van rampzalige overstromingen, werkte samen met Zyxel Communications om de service in een kritieke tijd te hervatten
KOPENHAGEN, Denemarken–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In juli kregen grote delen van West-Duitsland te maken met hevige regenval, met ongekende overstromingen tot gevolg. De overstromingen hebben kritieke infrastructuur beschadigd, waaronder mobiele netwerken. Nadat Zyxel contact had opgenomen met serviceprovider eifel-net om de situatie te beoordelen, voorzag Zyxel zijn klant al snel van de benodigde apparaten om in de gure omstandigheden te kunnen werken.
Als jarenlange partner leverde Zyxel gratis proviand om het eifelnet te helpen herstellen na de overstromingen in het zuiden van Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen en Rijnland-Palts.
Zyxel bood ook gratis toegang tot multi-service access nodes (MSAN) – een apparaat dat wordt gebruikt om telefoonlijnen op het centrale netwerk aan te sluiten. Als gevolg hiervan heeft eifel-net binnen enkele dagen met succes de volledige service hervat.
Zyxel Communications Supports eifel-net to Restore Service Amidst West Germany Floods
Headquartered in the middle of disastrous floods, eifel-net worked with Zyxel Communications to resume service in a critical time
COPENHAGEN, Denmark–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In July, major areas of West Germany experienced heavy rain, resulting in unprecedented flooding. The floods damaged critical infrastructure, including mobile networks. After reaching out to service provider eifel-net to assess the situation, Zyxel soon supplied its customer with the necessary devices to operate in the inclement conditions.
As longstanding partners, Zyxel supplied free provisions to help eifel-net restore service following the floods in the south of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.
Zyxel also provided free access to multi-service access nodes (MSAN) – a device used to connect telephone lines to the central network. As a result, eifel-net successfully resumed full-capacity service within days.
“During a crisis, mobile networks are essential for relaying messages of safety and facilitating communication,” said Peter Thiele, Chief Technology Officer at eifel-net. “Our team worked relentlessly to restore operations to our customers who needed our services to connect with friends and family members around the world. With Zyxel’s help, we kept downtime to a minimum, providing services when we were most needed.”
Zyxel has served Euskirchen-based eifel-net for more than 13 years.
“Our customer relationships involve more than providing technology,” said Karsten Gewecke, Senior Vice President and head of the EMEA service provider business unit at Zyxel Communications. “When these devastating floods impacted one of our valued customers, we knew we had to serve as a true partner and support eifel-net however we could to keep its customers connected.”
About Zyxel Communications
Zyxel Communications delivers technological innovations and has connected the world to the Internet for more than 30 years. Whether it’s a matter of establishing access through fixed or mobile broadband solutions, Zyxel Communications offers a comprehensive and flexible portfolio of products that’s keeping service provides ahead of the competition.
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Zyxel EMEA Headquarters
Birgitte Dolevert Larsen
+45 2085 9223