09:19 uur 10-12-2021

Onderzoekers onderzoeken de darm-hersenas bij soldaten met Microba’s technologie

BRISBANE, Australië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toonaangevende Australische universiteiten zullen het ‘cognobioom’ van soldaten onderzoeken met behulp van het analyseplatform van Microba Life Science om mogelijkheden te ontdekken voor het verbeteren van cognitieve en fysiologische prestaties.

In een samenwerkingsproject dat wordt gefinancierd door het Next Generation Technologies Fund, zullen onderzoekers van de University of Newcastle en de Queensland University of Technology de menselijke, microbiële en omgevingsinteracties onderzoeken die de cognitieve prestaties beïnvloeden, het ‘cognobioom’ genoemd, door het darmmicrobioom van soldaten te analyseren met behulp van Microba’s technologie.

Met monsters die voor, tijdens en na intensieve training zijn genomen, zal het onderzoek meten hoe het darmmicrobioom wordt beïnvloed door omgevingsstressoren die soldaten ervaren, met als doel microbiële handtekeningen te identificeren die kunnen worden gekoppeld aan cognitieve prestatieresultaten.

Researchers to Investigate the Gut-Brain Axis in Soldiers With Microba’s Technology

BRISBANE, Australia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Leading Australian universities will explore the ‘cognobiome’ of soldiers using Microba Life Science’s analysis platform to discover opportunities for improving cognitive and physiological performance.

In a collaborative project funded by the Next Generation Technologies Fund, researchers from the University of Newcastle and Queensland University of Technology will investigate the human, microbial and environmental interactions that affect cognitive performance, coined the ‘cognobiome’, by analysing the gut microbiome of soldiers using Microba’s technology.

With samples taken before, during, and after intensive training, the study will measure how the gut microbiome is impacted by environmental stressors experienced by soldiers, with the aim to identify microbial signatures that can be linked to cognitive performance outcomes.

Led by University of Newcastle researchers, world-renowned neurogastroenterologist, Distinguished Laureate Professor Nick Talley AC and Professor Simon Keely, and with the microbiome bioinformatics expertise of Professor Gene Tyson, Director of the Centre for Microbiome Research at Queensland University of Technology, the team will investigate the results for intervention opportunities.

By leveraging Microba’s analysis platform, the researchers will have high-resolution metagenomic data to examine the composition and function of the microbiome, and accurately measure whether the impacts to the microbiome are linked with positive or negative effects on cognitive performance.

Once microbiome signatures are identified, their associations can be explored to identify lead species which can be used as the foundation of potential treatments to promote a microbiome that supports improved cognitive performance and increased resilience against extreme environmental pressures.

Associate Professor Lutz Krause, Chief Scientific Officer of Microba and an investigator of the project, explained that the comprehensive metagenomic data, combined with extensive measurements of participants’ environmental factors and other health markers, will generate a unique dataset to reveal new information about the gut-brain connection and leads for microbiome-derived treatments.

“This research represents an exciting opportunity to explore the intricacies of the microbiome’s link with the brain by using advanced analytical and machine learning methods to identify the key species driving this connection,” A/Prof Krause said.

“By bringing together expertise from a diverse range of disciplines, this project presents a significant advancement in understanding how critical the microbiome is in human health, and how it can be harnessed to improve outcomes across a range of applications,” he added.


Dr Kylie Ellis

Microba Life Sciences

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