BDA organiseert eerste grote persoonlijke risico-evenement op het eiland sinds 2019
De industrie reuzen, Catlin, Benchimol, Grandisson Bevestigd om te spreken -ABIR en EY ondertekenen als eerste als Diamond Sponsors
HAMILTON, Bermuda–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA) is verheugd aan te kondigen dat het onze allereerste Bermuda Risk Summit ooit zal houden op 14-16 maart.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier:
Tijdens de drie halve dagen van de Summit in de Hamilton Princess & Beach Club zullen 200 afgevaardigden groeps-CEO’s horen van enkele van ‘s werelds grootste herverzekeraars voor eigendommen en ongevallen, waaronder Steve Catlin, voorzitter en CEO, Convex, Albert Benchimol, president & CEO, Axis, en Marc Grandisson, CEO, Arch Capital Group, delen hun mening uit de eerste hand. Het wereldwijde CEO-panel zal worden gemodereerd door Craig Swan, CEO van de Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA). Ook opgenomen in de line-up van sprekers van de Summit is Christopher Schaper, Chief Executive Officer – AIG RE, Elizabeth Dwyer, Superintendent, Banking & Insurance, Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation, en Leslie Robinson – SVP, Head of Underwriting & Claims, Willis Towers Watson.
BDA to Host First Major On-Island In-Person Risk Event Since 2019
Industry Giants, Catlin, Benchimol, Grandisson Confirmed to Speak –ABIR and EY First to Sign as Diamond Sponsors
HAMILTON, Bermuda–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA), is pleased to announce that it will hold our first ever Bermuda Risk Summit on March 14-16.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

(Graphic: Business Wire)
Over the course of the Summit’s three half-days at the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, 200 delegates will hear group CEOs of some of the world’s largest property and casualty reinsurers, including Steve Catlin, Chairman & CEO, Convex, Albert Benchimol, President & CEO, Axis, and Marc Grandisson, CEO, Arch Capital Group, share their views first-hand. The global CEO panel will be moderated by Craig Swan, CEO of the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA). Also included in the Summit’s line up of speakers is Christopher Schaper, Chief Executive Officer – AIG RE, Elizabeth Dwyer, Superintendent, Banking & Insurance, Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation, and Leslie Robinson – SVP, Head of Underwriting & Claims, Willis Towers Watson.
David Hart, BDA CEO, said, “We greatly appreciate the generous support of our industry partners and are so pleased that the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR) and EY have come forward as our first diamond level sponsors for our inaugural Bermuda Risk Summit. We are thrilled to be able to provide a conduit through which Bermuda’s risk industry, after a two-year absence, can meet face to face with their overseas clients prior to the upcoming June 1 policy renewal season. As we enter our third year of learning to live with COVID-19, it is so important that we offer opportunities for industry to return together safely to dialogue and chart a new direction forward together.”
John Huff, President and CEO of ABIR, said, “The Bermuda Risk Summit will be the first, large in-person risk event on island since late 2019. As Bermuda’s leading insurers and reinsurers continued long-term commitment to our international market, ABIR and its member companies are proud to support the Bermuda Risk Summit. As the world’s most innovative and responsive (re)insurance market, our aim is to support this event to provide our members and stakeholders an ideal opportunity to meet new and existing clients, to share ideas and best practices in person and to foster customer-driven solutions to close the global protection gap.”
Jessel Mendes, Partner and Markets Leader, EY region of the Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands, said, “We are thrilled to be sponsoring the Bermuda Risk Summit. The BDA’s vision for this inaugural event really resonated with us and we applaud them for providing a platform to showcase Bermuda’s prominence, importance, and attractiveness. We, at EY, look forward to reconnecting and collaborating, in person, with local and international participants. We are committed to the Summit’s success and supporting Bermuda and the growth of its risk related industries.”
Confirmed panels include a fireside chat with Bermuda’s Premier, The Hon. David E. Burt, JP, MP, a panel made up of local and overseas regulators entitled, ‘Navigating Complex Risks: A Regulatory Perspective,’ as well as ‘Insights from the World’s Leading Rating Agencies.’
Other topics and lines of business up for discussion include climate risk, life insurance, captive insurance, cyber, InsurTech, ILS and ESG, and a Florida legislative update. Also included in the registration price of $295 are keynote breakfasts, networking breaks and lunches, an island boat cruise, and an evening seaside soiree at the Hamilton Beach Club.
Visit our event webpage to register. Sponsorship opportunities – including the one remaining diamond sponsorship package – are still available. Please e-mail if you wish to participate.
The BDA encourages direct investment and helps companies start up, re-locate, or expand their operations in our premier jurisdiction. An independent, public-private partnership, we connect you to industry professionals, regulatory officials, and key contacts in the Bermuda government to assist domicile decisions. Our goal? To make doing business in Bermuda smooth and beneficial.
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Stuart Roberts, Director of Communications & PR | +1 441 292 7774