19:04 uur 08-03-2022

UNiDAYS lanceert jaarlijkse wedstrijd “Student Women of the Year 2022” met een prijzengeld van £ 10.000

Om Internationale Vrouwendag te vieren, heeft UNiDAYS voor het 4e jaar haar jaarlijkse Student Women of the Year-competitie gelanceerd. De wedstrijd loopt tot 27 maart 2022 en staat open voor alle vrouwelijke studenten en beloont inspirerende ondernemers die grenzen overschrijden met een subsidie ​​van £ 10.000 om hun impact te vergroten.

De wedstrijd maakt deel uit van UNiDAYS’ 2022 Student Women of the Year-campagne, die de hele maand maart loopt. Voortbouwend op het Internationale Vrouwendag-thema van #BreakTheBias van dit jaar, richt de campagne zich op vrouwen die het afbreken om het beter en succesvoller op te bouwen, waarbij degenen die dat doen in de schijnwerpers worden gezet om anderen te inspireren om te volgen

Nu meer dan 54% van Gen Z een eigen bedrijf wil starten, wil UNiDAYS opnieuw definiëren wat het betekent om ondernemer te zijn en degenen die stereotypen en discriminatie overwinnen door grenzen te doorbreken en problemen op te lossen, sterker maken. De wedstrijd viert de volgende generatie jonge vrouwelijke leiders en werpt de schijnwerpers op hun inspirerende initiatieven.

UNiDAYS Launch Annual “Student Women of the Year 2022” Competition with £10,000 Prize Fund

To celebrate International Women’s Day, UNiDAYS has launched its annual Student Women of the Year competition, for the 4th year. Running until 27th March 2022, the competition is open to all female-identifying students and will reward inspiring entrepreneurs who are breaking boundaries with a £10,000 grant to further their impact.

The competition is part of UNiDAYS’ 2022 Student Women of the Year campaign, running throughout March. Building on this year’s International Women’s Day theme of #BreakTheBias, the campaign focuses on females who are breaking it down to build it better and succeeding, putting a spotlight on those doing so to inspire others to follow.

With over 54% of Gen Z wanting to start their own business, UNiDAYS’ wants to redefine what it means to be an entrepreneur and empower those who are overcoming stereotypes and discrimination by breaking boundaries and problem solving. The competition will celebrate the next generation of female-identifying young leaders and shine a spotlight on their inspiring initiatives.

The winner will be awarded a £10,000 grant to enable them to expand their efforts, with five runners up being awarded £1,000 respectively. To enter, participants simply need to post a short 60-second video, showcasing how they have been breaking boundaries, and outlining their plans for how they would spend the £10,000 grant to further their impact. To access the application form, participants must have a UNiDAYS account.

UNiDAYS will shortlist five stand-out entries and a specially selected panel of external judges will choose the winner. These include award-winning environmental activist, CEO and author, Maya Penn, leading British vlogger, Georgia Rankin, and Mariel Richards, CEO at Gal-Dem.

Entrants will be judged based on the content and creativity of the video, how well they explain how and what they are changing/contributing, how candidates will use the £10,000, and to what extent their project is breaking boundaries, and making the world a better place.

Pretty Munro, Global Marketing Director, UNiDAYS, says: “To date, UNiDAYS has awarded £23,000 to female students to support their dreams and goals, however this year is our biggest prize fund yet.

Building on last year’s International Women’s Day theme, which celebrated those who have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic, this year’s award focuses on entrepreneurship.

This generation is already expected to be the most entrepreneurial ever. Through our competition, we want to inspire the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, and help make their dreams a reality.”


For further information on UNiDAYS, visit www.myunidays.com.

Notes to Editors

For further information please contact: Email: ben.robinson@eulogy.co.uk 


UNiDAYS is the world’s leading Student Affinity Network, with a verified global audience of over 20 million student members across 115 countries.

UNiDAYS works with 800 of the world’s biggest brands globally, taking their products and services into the hearts and minds of tomorrow’s professionals, by inspiring Gen Z to discover and connect with the brands and services they need. Its global members have spent more than $5 billion through the UNiDAYS marketplace since 2018.

Through its identity technology, secure brand-safe environment and marketing solutions, UNiDAYS delivers reach and engagement for brand partners, maximising sales and building long-term affinity, at scale and speed across a full range of channels.

The company has over 200 staff, with headquarters in Nottingham, UK, and with offices in London, New York and Sydney.

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