14:32 uur 21-03-2022

Theramex ondersteunt de IOF SCOPE 2021-aanbevelingen en oproep tot actie om de ongelijkheden in de osteoporosezorg in heel Europa aan te pakken

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De International Osteoporose Foundation (IOF) heeft haar Scorecard for Osteoporose in Europe (SCOPE) 2021 gepubliceerd, waarin de epidemiologie, de belasting en de behandeling van osteoporose worden beschreven in elk van de 27 landen van de Europese Unie plus Zwitserland en de UK, dat enkele verontrustende bevindingen onthult:

  • 1 op de 3 vrouwen krijgt in haar leven te maken met een osteoporotische fractuur.
  • Er bestaat een onaanvaardbare behandelingskloof waar 71% van de vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor osteoporosetherapie onbehandeld blijft, ondanks de hoge kosten van fracturen en de beschikbaarheid van betaalbare medicijnen
  • Osteoporose en de 4,3 miljoen fragiliteitsfracturen die het per jaar veroorzaakt, kosten de gezondheidszorgstelsels van Europa meer dan € 56 miljard per jaar op basis van gegevens voor 2019, slechts 3% wordt besteed aan medische behandeling.
  • Tegen 2034 zal het aantal fragiliteitsfracturen naar verwachting met 25% toenemen.
  • Elk jaar vallen in Europa bijna een kwart miljoen sterfgevallen als direct gevolg van heup- of wervelkolom fracturen.

Theramex Supports the IOF SCOPE 2021 Recommendations and Call to Action to Address the Inequalities in Osteoporosis Care Across Europe

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) published its Scorecard for Osteoporosis in Europe (SCOPE) 2021 which describes the epidemiology, burden, and treatment of osteoporosis in each of the 27 countries of the European Union plus Switzerland and the UK, which uncovers some disturbing findings:

  • 1 in 3 women will suffer an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime.
  • An unacceptable treatment gap exists where 71% of women eligible for osteoporosis therapy remain untreated, despite the high cost of fractures and the availability of affordable medications
  • Osteoporosis and the 4.3 million fragility fractures per year that it causes, cost the health care systems of Europe in excess of €56 billion each year based on data for 2019 only 3% is being spent on medical treatment.
  • By 2034 the number of fragility fractures is expected to increase by 25%.
  • Nearly a quarter of a million deaths occur each year in Europe as a direct consequence of hip or spine fractures.

Osteoporosis is not inevitable and can be treated. Women lose about 50% of their trabecular bone and 30% of their cortical bone during the course of their lifetime, about half of which is lost during the first 10 years after the menopause. The assessment of osteoporosis by screening of bone mineral density forms a cornerstone for proper management of osteoporosis.

The IOF call for a strategy across Europe alongside national strategies, to provide coordinated osteoporosis care (including the establishment of adequate provision of screening services) to help reduce the number of debilitating fragility fractures, that severely impact on individual lives, society, and the healthcare system.

In partnership with IOF and national osteoporosis societies, Theramex is committed to increasing the awareness of the burden of osteoporosis and working to directly address the unacceptable treatment gap across Europe on how women are informed, screened and treated for osteoporosis to improve patient outcomes. For more information you can read the full SCOPE report here.

About Theramex

Theramex is a leading global speciality pharmaceutical company dedicated to women and their health. We support women at every stage of their lives by providing a broad portfolio of innovative and established brands covering contraception, fertility, menopause and osteoporosis. Our commitment is to listen to and understand our patients, serve their needs and offer healthcare solutions to help improve their lives. Our vision is to be a lifetime partner for women and the healthcare professionals who treat them by providing patient-focused and effective solutions that care for and support women through every stage of life.


Jesús López | Associate Director, Communication & Digital | Jesus.Lopez@Theramex.com

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