Spine Innovations markeert mijlpaal – meer dan 20.000 ESP-wervelschijven geïmplanteerd – naarmate de wereldwijde vraag groeit
HEIMSBRUNN, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sinds de oprichting als een volledig onafhankelijk bedrijf eind 2020, is Spine Innovations doorgegaan met het uitbreiden van de verkoop van zijn ESP-vervangingen van de wervelkolom, met meer dan 20.000 prothesen die met succes zijn geïmplanteerd bij patiënten over de hele wereld.
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Tegelijkertijd blijft Spine Innovations zijn marktbereik uitbreiden. Het bedrijf is nu actief in 17 landen, waaronder nieuwe markten binnen Europa die in 2021 zijn geopend. Het zal uitbreiden naar Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, waaronder Mexico en Brazilië, en naar andere Europese landen, waaronder Noorwegen en Nederland. In 2022 werkt Spine Innovations ook aan goedkeuring door de FDA om de Amerikaanse markt te betreden.
Spine Innovations Marks Milestone — Over 20,000 ESP Spinal Discs Implanted — as Global Demand Grows
HEIMSBRUNN, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Since its formation as a wholly independent company in late 2020, Spine Innovations has continued to expand sales of its ESP spinal disc replacements, with more than 20,000 prostheses successfully implanted in patients around the world.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220328005394/en/

CP-ESP cervical disc prosthesis LP-ESP lumbar disc prosthesis (Photo: Spine Innovations)
At the same time, Spine Innovations continues to expand its market reach. The company is now active in 17 countries, including new markets within Europe that opened in 2021. It will expand into Central and South America, including Mexico and Brazil, as well as additional European countries, including Norway and the Netherlands. In 2022, Spine Innovations is also working toward FDA approval to enter the US market.
Spine Innovations’ growth has been energized by operating like a startup and hyper-specializing in total spinal disc replacement and the preservation of natural motion. The company’s Cervical Prosthesis (CP-ESP®) and Lumbar Prosthesis (LP-ESP®) utilize a viscoelastic design — recognized as the latest generation of disc replacement — to mimic the function and range of movements of a natural disc and allow the spine to behave naturally.
Increasing, widespread interest in ESP disc replacements, and their swift acceptance by orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and patients, highlight the strong desire for products that can restore health and quality of life.
ESP discs combine two titanium end plates with an elastomeric cushion made of polycarbonate urethane. This structure imitates the natural disc, in which bony segments are connected by a spongy disc that provides flexibility while withstanding the pressures of compression and torsion. Specific features of the end plates — short spikes, a rough outer surface, and a coating of hydroxyapatite (HA), which is proven to enhance bone ingrowth — help to ensure stability and bony fixation of the implant over time.
“With the ESP, the patients gain a counter force which is similar to what the natural disc provides and reduces risks of facet pain.” Dr. Svante Berg from Stockholm, Sweden, says Remobilization of the disc space with too much mobility can lead to such side effect.
Pr. Jean Yves Lazennec of Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris says, “The ESP discs reproduce the natural center of rotation and adapt when the patient is aging.”
The entire team of Spine Innovations is focused on satisfying growing market demand. Sandrine Carle President, says “More and more surgeons are choosing to replace degenerative discs with prostheses that can maintain spinal motion instead of fusing the segment. ESP disc replacements provide that solution by replicating natural disc motion and enabling the entire spine to behave as normally as possible.”
Based in Heimsbrunn (France), Spine Innovations continues to increase market penetration and aims to become a leading actor in the total disc replacement worldwide market with its patented viscoelastic technology used in the ESP discs. To learn more, please visit www.spine-innovations.com and www.esp-disc.com
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For more information, contact:
Eric Hermann
Sales and Marketing Director
Directeur Marketing et Commercial
Email: e.hermann@spine-innovations.com
Cell : +33 6 14 28 82 30