01:01 uur 30-03-2022

ASICS-experiment onthult dat slechts één week fysieke inactiviteit een vergelijkbare impact heeft als een week van gebroken slaap op onze gemoedstoestand

Maar slechts 15 minuten en 9 seconden fysieke activiteit kan een mentale oppepper veroorzaken

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Vandaag is de impact van fysieke inactiviteit op onze mentale toestand voor het eerst onthuld in de Mind Racei – een ASICS-experiment waarin regelmatige sporters hun normale fitnessroutines een week onderbraken. De impact op hun gemoedstoestand bleek vergelijkbaar te zijn met een week van gebroken slaapii, waarbij deelnemers een toename van 23% in racegedachten rapporteerden.

De resultaten van ASICS’ Uplifting Minds Studyiii, waaraan duizenden deelnemers van over de hele wereld deelnamen, tonen geruststellend aan dat het slechts 15:09 minuten fysieke activiteit kan kosten om onze mentale toestand te verbeteren, zelfs na perioden van inactiviteit.i

The Mind Race: slechts één week inactiviteit verlaagt onze gemoedstoestand aanzienlijk

Professor Brendon Stubbs, een vooraanstaand onderzoeker op het gebied van beweging en de geest, volgde de State of Mindiv-scores van gezonde deelnemersv die ermee instemden hun normale trainingsroutine slechts een week te onderbreken. De resultaten zijn significant, aangezien zowel hun cognitieve als emotionele welzijn wordt beïnvloed. Toen actieve mensen stopten met bewegen, daalde hun zelfvertrouwen met 20%; positiviteit daalde met 16%, energieniveaus daalden met 23% en hun vermogen om met stress om te gaan, verminderde met 22%.

ASICS Experiment Reveals Just One Week of Physical Inactivity Has a Similar Impact as a Week of Broken Sleep on Our State of Mind

Yet Just 15 Minutes and 9 Seconds of Physical Activity Can Trigger a Mental Uplift

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Today, the impact of physical inactivity on our mental state has been revealed for the first time in the Mind Racei – an ASICS experiment in which regular exercisers paused their normal fitness routines for one week. The impact on their state of mind was found to be similar to a week of broken sleepii, with participants reporting a 23% increase in racing thoughts.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220329005848/en/

Participants including Olympian, Iwan Thomas take part in the ASICS Mind Race – a first-of-its-kind study which revealed that not exercising for a week has the same negative impact on our state of mind as seven nights of broken sleep. Extending this research with the ASICS Uplifting Minds Study also revealed that just 15 minutes and 9 seconds of exercise is enough to boost our mental wellbeing. This global study sampled thousands of participants from across the globe during an 8 month period. (Photo: Business Wire)

Participants including Olympian, Iwan Thomas take part in the ASICS Mind Race – a first-of-its-kind study which revealed that not exercising for a week has the same negative impact on our state of mind as seven nights of broken sleep. Extending this research with the ASICS Uplifting Minds Study also revealed that just 15 minutes and 9 seconds of exercise is enough to boost our mental wellbeing. This global study sampled thousands of participants from across the globe during an 8 month period. (Photo: Business Wire)

Reassuringly, the results of ASICS’ Uplifting Minds Studyiii, involving thousands of participants from across the globe, proves it can take just 15:09 minutes of physical activity to lift our mental state – even after periods of inactivity.i

The Mind Race: just one week of inactivity significantly lowers our state of mind

Professor Brendon Stubbs, a leading researcher in movement and the mind, monitored the State of Mindiv scores of healthy participantsv who agreed to pause their regular exercise routines for just one week. The results are significant with both their cognitive and emotional wellbeing being impacted. When active people stopped moving, their confidence dropped by 20%; positivity fell by 16%, energy levels slumped by 23% and their ability to cope with stress reduced by 22%.

In fact, after just one week of no exercise, participants’ overall State of Mind score dropped by an average of 18% – decreasing from a high 68 out of 100 when physically active to a mediocre 55 out of 100 when they stopped exercising. The effects of this inactivity are captured in the Mind Race experiment film asics.com/mindrace, following a group of study participants.

Just 15 minutes of activity can uplift our state of mind

But there is good news. Participants were monitored when they returned to their regular exercise regime and all experienced immediate improvements in their state of mind – showing how quickly the negative effects of inactivity can be reversed. Professor Brendon Stubbs also analysed data from thousands of people who participated in ASICS’ ongoing Uplifting Minds Study since June 2021. The Study uses cutting edge technology to mimic EEG and capture the impact of exercise on people’s state of mind. Based on data from across sports and across regions, just 15.09 minutes of exercise can significantly impact our mental state.

Commenting on the results, Professor Brendon Stubbs said: “We know that exercise is good for our mental health but the impact of rest and restarting exercise is less clear. Now, thanks to new technology and the contribution of thousands of people, we’ve been able to pinpoint just how much exercise is needed to trigger a positive mental impact. This ASICS study helps to quantify the amount of exercise to improve mental health and make it more tangible. Taking time to rest is very important. This study shows that people’s wellbeing bounces back very quickly after a period of rest when people resume regular exercise again.”

Gary Raucher, EVP, ASICS EMEA said: “Our founding philosophy is literally in our name, Anima Sana In Corpore Sano or a Sound Mind in a Sound Body. And we believe our focus on the benefits of sport and movement, not just on the body, but also on the mind, has never been more relevant. We know the last two years have been tough on the mental state of many. And while not the answer for everyone, we know exercise can make a difference. We hope to inspire more people to move with ASICS, even for just 15.09 minutes to feel the benefits on body and mind.”

To be part of ASICS’ ongoing Uplifting Minds Study and see the impact of exercise on your own State of Mind, visit https://minduplifter.asics.com/

Notes to Editors

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For further information, images or to organize an interview with Professor Brendon Stubbs, please contact Asics@Golin.com

ASICS’ Uplifting Minds Study enables people all over the world to measure the impact of movement on their mind. Using cutting edge facial scanning technology and self-reported data, ASICS has measured the impact of exercise on thousands of minds from 79 countries over a 10-month period.

ASICS’ Mind Race, a three-week extension of the study, measured what happened to the minds of 58 regular exercisers from 21 countries when they stopped exercising for just one week. Using self-reported data, qualitative questionnaires and cutting-edge technology, the study pinpointed the effects of both physical activity and inactivity on participants mental wellbeing.


i ASICS’ Mind Race Study 2022

ii Comparison drawn from Soomi Lee, Naturally Occurring Consecutive Sleep Loss and Day-to-Day Trajectories of Affective and Physical Well-Being, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2021, DOI: 10.1093/abm/kaab055
iii ASICS’ Uplifting Minds Study 2021-2022

iv ASICS proprietary State of Mind score is a rating out of 100 made up of 10 emotional and cognitive metrics, including: composure, resilience, positivity, contentment, relaxation, confidence, alertness, calmness, focus and energy.

v Volunteers who passed the screening criteria and consented to participate. Screening criteria included: adults (age 18+), already physically active (doing more than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week) and willing to stop exercising for one week with the belief it would not have a detrimental impact on their mental health.


Rory Cramsie


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