Het 31ste Nationale Manga Kampioenschap voor middelbare scholen (Manga Koshien)
KOCHI, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Wat is Manga Koshien?
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220408005170/en/
Het is een wedstrijd waarbij teams van middelbare scholieren strijden om manga-creaties. Deze wedstrijd begon in 1992 en vierde vorig jaar haar 30-jarig bestaan. Sinds 2014 doen ook scholen uit het buitenland mee aan de wedstrijd, en we zien elk jaar ongeveer 300 scholen uit Japan en het buitenland meedoen.
Teams van drie tot vijf studenten werken elk samen om een manga van één pagina te tekenen in overeenstemming met een bepaald thema voor de voorrondes. Degenen die de voorrondes weten te passeren, verzamelen zich in de zomer in Kochi voor de hoofdronde.
The 31st National High School Manga Championship (Manga Koshien)
KOCHI, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– What is Manga Koshien?
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220408005170/en/

Flyer (Graphic: Business Wire)
It is a competition where teams of high school students compete on manga creations. This competition started in 1992 and celebrated its 30th anniversary last year. Since 2014, schools from overseas also started entering the competition, and we are seeing approximately 300 schools participating each year from Japan and abroad.
Teams of three to five students each work together to draw a one-page manga in accordance with a specified theme for the preliminaries. Those who manage to pass the preliminaries gather in Kochi during summer for the main round.
Teams in the main round (semifinals, revival round, finals) stand a chance to win the grand prize and other awards. This means prize money, drawing materials, and more! In addition, during the main round, talented students may even be scouted by major manga publishers and perhaps debut as professionals!
1. Preliminary Round Theme
- Space debris (Uchuu Gomi)
- ∞ Infinity (Mugen)
Draw and submit a one-page manga of either one of these themes.
Manga Koshien Website: https://mangaoukoku-tosa.jp/manga-koshien31/
2. Eligibility
- Japan and overseas senior high school students or similar (approximately 15 to 18 years of age)
- Only one team per school is allowed to participate.
3. Guidelines for the Preliminary Round Entries
- Entries should be submitted online at https://mangaoukoku-tosa.jp/manga-koshien31/
- The manga must be of B4 size (257mm x 364mm, in any orientation).
- The manga must be produced jointly by all students registered in the application form.
4. Timeline
(1) Preliminary Round (Online)
- Deadline: Tuesday, May 31st, 2022, 24:00 (JST)
- Judging: Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
- Chosen schools: 33 schools (30 from Japan, 3 from overseas)
(2) Main Round (Kochi Prefecture, Japan)
- Participants: 33 schools that passed the preliminary round
- Date: Saturday, 30th, and Sunday, 31st, July 2022
- Venue: Kochi Jibasan Center
- Participation fee: JPY 30,000 (per person)
*The participation fee will cover the participants’ air ticket, accommodation, etc.
*Travel arrangements will be made by the event organizer
5. Main Round Judges
- All 6 Preliminary Round Judges
- Guest Judges
Fujimaki Tadatoshi (Famous works: Kuroko no Basuke, Robot x Laserbeam)
Yukimoto Shuuji (Famous works: Kemo Life, Shark Girl)
*For more details, please refer to the Implementation Outline at the following
URL: https://mangaoukoku-tosa.jp/manga-koshien31/
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220408005170/en/
In-charge: Yasuaki Okamatsu, Risa Matsumoto
Manga Kingdom Tosa Promotional Committee
(within the Manga Kingdom Tosa Office)
TEL: +81-(0)88-823-9711 FAX: +81-(0)88-823-9296
Email: 140201@ken.pref.kochi.lg.jp
Website: https://mangaoukoku-tosa.jp/manga-koshien31/