De Homeiku Foundation, die de educatieve methode “Lof en Opvoeden” biedt aan meer dan 500.000 mensen in 18 landen over de hele wereld, publiceerde hun boek in Spanje, waarmee de wederzijdse lofdienst tussen landen op gang werd gebracht
OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De Homeiku {Ho-May-E-ku} Foundation heeft haar eerste boek (getiteld “El libro de las alabanzas”) in Spanje gepubliceerd. De stichting heeft de Homeiku-methode voor het voeden van mensen door middel van lof aangeboden aan meer dan 500.000 mensen in 18 landen over de hele wereld. Met de publicatie van het boek in Spanje en de lancering van hun diensten in het buitenland wil de stichting haar missie om ‘mensen in 196 landen laten schitteren door de Homeiku-methode’ verder uit te dragen.
Homeiku is een afkorting voor “Praise Education”, een Japanse onderwijsmethode die is geperfectioneerd door de gecombineerde studies van hersenwetenschap en psychologie, samen met de educatieve ervaring die dhr. Hara door de jaren heen heeft ontwikkeld. Deze intrinsieke methode heeft tot doel de mentale ontwikkeling te ondersteunen door elk individu op te leiden om hun capaciteiten te maximaliseren door de kracht van “lofwoorden”, met het uiteindelijke doel voor iemand om zelfontplooiing te bereiken.
The Homeiku Foundation, Which Provides the “Praise and Raise” Educational Method to More Than 500,000 People in 18 Countries Around the World, Published Their Book in Spain, Kickstarting Mutual Praise Service Between Countries
OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Homeiku {Ho-May-E-ku} Foundation has published its first book (titled “El libro de las alabanzas”) in Spain. The foundation has provided the Homeiku method of nurturing people through praise to more than 500,000 people in 18 countries around the world. With the publication of the book in Spain and the launch of their services overseas, the foundation aims to further spread their mission of “making people in 196 countries shine through the Homeiku method.”
Homeiku is an abbreviation for “Praise Education”, which is a Japanese educational method that has been perfected through the combined studies of brain science and psychology along with the educational experience that Mr. Hara has cultivated over the years. This intrinsic method aims to support mental development by educating each individual to maximize their abilities through the power of “praise words”, with the ultimate goal for one to achieve self-fulfillment.
More than 400 companies have implemented Homeiku in their businesses, and the recognition of Homeiku’s success around the world has led to the publication of the book in Spain. The content, which was published in Japan in December 2016 and has been a huge hit with 36,000 copies in 12 printings, has been translated into Spanish and localized for European culture.
The book consists of four sections: 1) The Amazing Power of Praise, 2) Praise that Reaches Others and Praise that Doesn’t, 3) The 12 Rules for Becoming a Good Complimenter, and 4) How to Live a Life of Happiness through Praise. The book is designed to help couples, parents and children, friends, and colleagues improve their relationships with each other, and people who receive encouragement grow and create a cycle of happiness in their lives.
About the Homeiku Foundation:
The Homeiku Foundation was founded by Mr. Kunio Hara, who has since introduced his Praise method to more than 400 companies worldwide. Mr. Hara appeared twice at TEDx, authored 20 books (translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean), and is also a special advisor for the Council for the Promotion of National Education.
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General Incorporated Association: Homeiku Foundation
Kaoru Sasazaki