Norge Mining Ltd: publicatie van het rapport over verantwoord ondernemen
LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Norge Mining Ltd (“Norge Mining” of de “Company”), het Anglo-Noorse mineraal exploratiebedrijf met een bron van kritieke grondstoffen van wereldklasse in het zuidwesten van Noorwegen, is verheugd de publicatie aan te kondigen van haar Responsible Business Report voor 2021.
Norge Mining is gericht op drie EU-kritieke grondstoffen: fosfaat, vanadium en titanium. Deze materialen zijn van groot strategisch belang voor Europa, bijvoorbeeld in de groene energietransitie en in de voedselproductie. De vereiste om ze in Europa te produceren is dringend, om de leveringszekerheid te garanderen en om te voldoen aan de ESG-agenda’s waarin bedrijven zich richten op de herkomst van materialen om ervoor te zorgen dat ze ethisch en duurzaam worden ingekocht.
Norge Mining Ltd: Publication of Responsible Business Report
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Norge Mining Ltd (“Norge Mining” or the “Company”), the Anglo-Norwegian mineral exploration company with a world-class resource of Critical Raw Materials in southwest Norway, is pleased to announce the publication of its Responsible Business Report for 2021.
Norge Mining is focused on three EU Critical Raw Materials – phosphate, vanadium and titanium. These materials are of major strategic importance to Europe, for example in the green energy transition and in food production. The requirement to produce them in Europe is urgent, to ensure security of supply and to meet ESG agendas in which companies are focusing on the provenance of materials to ensure they are ethically and sustainably sourced.
To deliver its plans to move from exploration and into development and production, Norge Mining is committed to the highest standards of responsible stewardship. Alignment with international sustainability programmes and disclosure guidance are central to the Company’s strategy for becoming a robust and responsible mining and processing business.
The Company’s Responsible Business Report 2021, titled Creating a Positive Legacy, can be viewed at this link:
The report provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to assess the Company’s activities and performance, and all feedback is welcomed.
John Vergopoulos, Chief Executive Officer of Norge Mining, said:
“This is our second Responsible Business Report and it outlines the significant progress achieved during 2021 across the Company but particularly from the perspective of sustainability. As a natural resources company we are still at the exploration stage, but the world-class deposits that we have discovered in southwest Norway mean we are determined to have processes and policies in place to meet the highest standards of sustainable practice in readiness for the mining phase.
“The requirement to produce Critical Raw Materials in Europe has never been more urgent, highlighted by Europe’s dependence on Russian energy and phosphate. Norge Mining’s plans are focused on the development of a sustainable mining industry in Norway, embracing the environment, job creation and positive local and European impact.”
About Norge Mining
Norge Mining Ltd is an Anglo-Norwegian natural resources company focused on mineral exploration in Norway.
The Company’s first Mineral Resource Estimates from the Bjerkreim Exploration Project have confirmed world-class deposits of the EU Critical Raw Materials vanadium, titanium and phosphate. The provenance of these materials is of significant strategic importance for net carbon zero commitments, a key requirement for which is supply chain transparency.
Norge Mining, which owns 61 exploration licences totalling more than 520 square kilometres in southwest Norway, is currently conducting a programme of exploration work, building on earlier studies by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). The Company’s ambition is to become a substantial, sustainable and strategically important exploration and mining business focused on Norway.
Founded in November 2018, the Company is headquartered in the UK and has a 100%-owned Norwegian subsidiary, Norge Mineraler AS.
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